The Dispossessed Test | Final Test - Easy

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The Dispossessed Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 107 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Shevek try to strike up a conversation with his servant?
(a) He wants to talk to a poor person
(b) He needs money
(c) He wants to make some genuine friends
(d) He wants to practise his Urrasti

2. What does Shevek think is holding him back from publishing his General Temporal Theory?
(a) Because it will put his family in danger
(b) Fear of his life
(c) Fear of imprisonment
(d) Fear that it will be disproved

3. What does the letter ask Shevek to do?
(a) Send them his General Temporal theory
(b) Go back to Arranes
(c) Kill the Urras leader
(d) Join the Odonian rebels

4. What does one man think the real Odonians will do to someone who leaves to go to Urras?
(a) Imprison them
(b) Worship them
(c) Put them on trial
(d) Exact violence on them

5. On what country in Urras is a revolution taking place?
(a) Abbeney
(b) Benbili
(c) Nio Esseia
(d) Thu

6. Why does Rulag think the Syndicate of Initiative is not a good idea?
(a) It will create friction between the two worlds
(b) Shevek could get hurt
(c) The Urrasti will want to put her on trial for crimes
(d) It is the first step towards an Urrasti invasion

7. Of what group is Tuio Maedda a member?
(a) The Odonian freedom fighters
(b) The quasi-Odonian resistance group
(c) The Anarres social group
(d) The Odonian independent army

8. What do the authorities ration in the winter?
(a) Butter
(b) Meat
(c) Sugar
(d) Water

9. Who has allowed the Terrans the freedom to visit other planets?
(a) The Anarrestis
(b) Shevek
(c) The Hainish
(d) The urrastis

10. Why does Shevek want to start his own printing syndicate?
(a) To stop censorship
(b) To print propaganda
(c) To communicate his theories
(d) To socialize more

11. With whose family does Shevek spend a week?
(a) Pae's
(b) Sabul's
(c) Efor's
(d) Oiie's

12. Why does Shevek think it would of been impossible for them to stay together?
(a) Because of their constant arguing
(b) Because he is never home anyway
(c) Because of the turmoil created by the drought
(d) Because it against the law

13. What manuscript does Shevek complete during Takver's pregnancy?
(a) The Principles of a long distance relationship
(b) The Principles of Simultaneity
(c) The Theory Behind New Anarchism
(d) The Principles of Love

14. To where does Takver tell Shevek she and their children will move?
(a) Earth
(b) To Shevek's parents house
(c) A place where no one knows them
(d) A safe house

15. What has Shevek decided to set up?
(a) A homeless shelter
(b) A printing syndicate
(c) A hospital
(d) A rebel army

Short Answer Questions

1. What do Shevek and the council think Anarres is compared to Urras?

2. What is the name of Shevak's partner?

3. What happens in the summer?

4. Why does Takver think Shevek will quickly garner support?

5. Where do the rebels smuggle Shevek?

(see the answer keys)

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