The Dispossessed Test | Final Test - Easy

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The Dispossessed Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 107 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why did Tirin go mad?
(a) Because he broke up from his wife
(b) Because his family died in the drought
(c) Because his play was censored
(d) Because his daughter passed away

2. Where do the resistance group hold a rally?
(a) Capital Square
(b) The city airport
(c) Parliament Square
(d) Peace Square

3. What did seeing Tirin make Shevek realize?
(a) That he has isolated himself for too long
(b) That he loves Takver
(c) That he is not crazy
(d) What few choices they have

4. Why does Keng believe her planet will never be like Anarres
(a) Because there are too many conflicting voices
(b) Because they don't have the money
(c) Because they are lazy
(d) Because they have outlived their hope for renewal

5. What disaster happens when Shevek arrives in Chakar?
(a) A bomb hits the city
(b) A hurricaine
(c) An earthquake
(d) A Tsunami

6. What is the name of Shevak's partner?
(a) Tekvar
(b) Tirin
(c) Rulag
(d) Pae

7. With whom does Shevek try to strike up a conversation?
(a) Vea
(b) Pae
(c) Efor
(d) Oiie

8. What do Bedap and Shevek start to implement?
(a) The Principles of Anarchy
(b) The Syndicate of Intiative
(c) Democracy
(d) A revolution

9. What name do Takver and Shevek give their daughter?
(a) Pae
(b) Daisy
(c) Sadik
(d) Takver

10. Why is Shevek restricted to campus?
(a) Because they no longer trust him
(b) Because he has uncovered a top secret
(c) Because of the revolution
(d) Because he is ill

11. Who tells Shevek he is restricted to campus?
(a) Sabul
(b) Pae
(c) Efor
(d) Vea

12. To where does Shevek travel to meet Takver?
(a) Terra
(b) Thu
(c) Chakar
(d) Abbeney

13. What has Shevek decided to set up?
(a) A hospital
(b) A homeless shelter
(c) A printing syndicate
(d) A rebel army

14. What does Bedap say one seeks to avoid on Anarres?
(a) Love
(b) His neighbors' disapproval
(c) A long term relationship
(d) People

15. What does Shevek say the change in society is going against?
(a) The Odonian ethic of decentralization
(b) The people's basic human rights
(c) His own beliefs
(d) The constitution

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Shevek think he will achieve by going to Urras?

2. Where does Efor take Shevek?

3. For what is Shevek fighting?

4. Where do the rebels smuggle Shevek?

5. Which group of people turn on Shevek when he goes to talk to them about his views?

(see the answer keys)

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