The Dispossessed Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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The Dispossessed Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 107 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Shevek do after leaving the infirmary?
(a) Gets married
(b) Works twice as hard
(c) Secures a position on Urras
(d) Socialize

2. From which world is the language of Lotic?
(a) Anarres
(b) Terra
(c) Haines
(d) Urras

3. What language does Sabul teach him?
(a) Gaellic
(b) Urranes
(c) Loctic
(d) French

4. What does Chifoilisk tell Shevek?
(a) The other scientists will use him for their own gain.
(b) Shevek is getting too big for his boots
(c) The other scientists are plotting to kill him
(d) He is the leader of the working class revolution

5. How is the city different to other cities in which Shevek has lived?
(a) It has no women
(b) It has has no trees
(c) It is an underground city
(d) It is located in the middle of a green plain

6. What image does Shevek again have to confront when his mother leaves?
(a) His self as a child
(b) A ship
(c) Shallow water
(d) A wall

7. How does Shevek shock his new friends?
(a) By telling them his planet has female scientists
(b) By criticizing their president
(c) By asking to date one of their sisters
(d) By looking them in the eye

8. Why is Shevek's arrival such an important occasion?
(a) His father was once a Urras leader
(b) It is the first time in 200 years someone from Anarranes has visited Urras
(c) He has promised find a cure for a deadly disease.
(d) His arrival was prophecised.

9. What does Dr.Kimoe give Shevek?
(a) Sleeping pills
(b) Vaccinations
(c) Diabetic chocolate
(d) Paracetamals

10. Why does Sabul discourage Shevek from sending another paper to Dr. Atro?
(a) Dr. Atro is to busy
(b) He thinks Shevek is becoming too big headed
(c) It does not relate to his own area of research
(d) He does not agree with Shevek's ideas

11. From what country is Chifoilisk?
(a) Terra
(b) Anarres
(c) Thu
(d) Abbeney

12. What does Shevek spend his free time doing?
(a) Playing soccer
(b) Dating women
(c) Playing golf
(d) Writing papers

13. What does Palat give Shevek on his return?
(a) A football
(b) A Charles Dickens novel
(c) A book of spells
(d) A Math book

14. What do the scientists think Shevek is looking for when he asks where all the women are?
(a) A good conversation
(b) A sexual partner
(c) A mother figure
(d) A cook

15. For which of the doctors does Shedek show admiration?
(a) Dr. Kilroy
(b) Dr. Atro
(c) Dr. Philips
(d) Dr. Trankle

Short Answer Questions

1. What kind of work does Shedek have to do after he leaves school?

2. What year is Shevek in when Gvarab dies?

3. Who takes Shevek shopping for clothes?

4. What is Sabul's profession?

5. What does Palat tell the women at the nursery?

(see the answer keys)

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