Disgraced Test | Final Test - Medium

Ayad Akhtar
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Disgraced Test | Final Test - Medium

Ayad Akhtar
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does the playwright say this thing breaking at the beginning of Scene Three makes Amir feel?
(a) Violent.
(b) Fierce.
(c) On edge.
(d) Soothed.

2. In Scene Three, what does Isaac say Amir is full of?
(a) Righteousness.
(b) Deceptions.
(c) Self-loathing.
(d) Hostility.

3. What did Tariq say that got the barista to call the police?
(a) That all infidels would ultimately submit to Allah.
(b) That Muslims would one day rule the world.
(c) That America deserved what it was going to get.
(d) That Americans deserved to be beheaded.

4. What does Amir say about Emily approaching him the way she does in Scene Three?
(a) That it is just a matter of time till he feels better.
(b) That it does not help.
(c) That he sees how she loves him.
(d) That he is still too on edge from work.

5. How does Emily say the Quran sees humanity?
(a) As stubborn and self-interested.
(b) As clans of people with various gods.
(c) As needing loving guidance.
(d) As fallen divinity waiting to be redeemed.

Short Answer Questions

1. How do Emily and Isaac explain their kiss, when Jory and Amir come back?

2. What does Isaac claim to have done then immediately confess he did not do?

3. How much does Amir say his shirts cost, each?

4. How is Abe’s wardrobe different when he enters in Scene Four than it was when he entered in Scene One?

5. What is Emily reading, that Isaac recommended?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Amir tell Emily he wants for her, at the end, and what is Emily’s response?

2. What is it that brings Abe and Emily back to Amir’s apartment?

3. How does Emily compare the Renaissance in the West and Islamic culture?

4. What does Amir accuse Emily and Isaac, in Scene 3, of feeling about Islam?

5. What happened at work that made Amir forget to get wine?

6. What does Emily mean when she says, in Scene 4, that her work was naïve?

7. What do we learn about Isaac when Amir asks him if he eats pork?

8. What advice does Amir give Abe about how he expresses his political views, and what is Abe’s response?

9. What does Amir propose to Jory in Scene 3?

10. In Scene 4, Amir says that Emily was right about him: what was she right about?

(see the answer keys)

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