Disgrace Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 146 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Disgrace Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 146 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Approximately how old is David Lurie in Chapter 1?
(a) Late forties.
(b) Early fifties.
(c) Early sixties.
(d) Early forties.

2. After the hearing, who is it that asks David how the hearing went?
(a) His ex-wife.
(b) A male reporter.
(c) A female reporter.
(d) The woman from the Coalition Against Discrimination.

3. Who is it that comes to pick up David at the hospital after he is treated?
(a) Petrus.
(b) Ettinger.
(c) Bill Shaw.
(d) Bev Shaw.

4. When David and Lucy go for a walk, what does Lucy suggest that David should do?
(a) Try to reconcile with his ex-wife.
(b) Find a woman his own age.
(c) Accept being alone.
(d) Get in touch with Melanie.

5. Who is Petrus?
(a) Lucy's neighbor.
(b) Lucy's helper with the gardening.
(c) Lucy's cat.
(d) A woman who lives in Lucy's house.

6. When David visits Lucy in her room, what is she doing?
(a) Reading.
(b) Paying bills.
(c) Knitting.
(d) Making dog toys.

7. What happens to David and Lucy as they return to their house after they hear the noise?
(a) They are tricked and assaulted.
(b) They try to get to Petrus whom they see through a window.
(c) They see the dogs have been hurt.
(d) They see fire from a window and try to put it out.

8. How many files of information does David have for his project?
(a) Four.
(b) Two.
(c) Three.
(d) Five.

9. Who is the poet that David discusses in Chapter 4?
(a) Keats.
(b) Byron.
(c) Wadsworth.
(d) Wordsworth.

10. Shortly before David's class, who is the unwelcome visitor in his office?
(a) Melanie's roommate.
(b) Melanie's mother.
(c) Melanie's boyfriend.
(d) Melanie's father.

11. What word most accurately describes Soraya's profession?
(a) Prostitute.
(b) Professor.
(c) Architect.
(d) Provost.

12. At the end of the Chapter 11, where does Lucy begin to walk to?
(a) Bev's house.
(b) The hospital.
(c) The animal clinic.
(d) Her neighbor's house.

13. What is the subject of the poem that David discusses in Chapter 4?
(a) Italy.
(b) Skiing.
(c) An oak tree.
(d) The Alps.

14. When David accidentally sees Soraya on the street on a day other than when they usually meet, with whom is she?
(a) One boy.
(b) Two boys and a man.
(c) One boy and a man.
(d) Two boys.

15. What does David prepare for dinner?
(a) Steak with mushrooms.
(b) Chicken with mushrooms.
(c) Shrimp with mushrooms.
(d) Tagliatelle with mushrooms.

Short Answer Questions

1. Before David visits his daughter, his ex-wife calls him with news. What is this news?

2. Who is Helen?

3. What is one intention of Melanie's that David learns from the phone call that he receives shortly before giving the exam?

4. Which person confesses a strong liking for the poetry of Adrienne Rich and Toni Morrison?

5. What is it that David spends time working on in the University library?

(see the answer keys)

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