Dirty White Boys: A Novel Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Stephen Hunter
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Dirty White Boys: A Novel Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Stephen Hunter
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the only thing of value Bud finds in Lamar's things left at the prison?
(a) A knife.
(b) A photograph.
(c) A letter.
(d) A drawing.

2. Which activity does Lamar Pye typically do alone, even though he is in prison?
(a) Sleep.
(b) Eat.
(c) Shower.
(d) Go to the bathroom.

3. What does Mr. Stepford do for a living?
(a) He is a construction worker.
(b) He is a miner.
(c) He is a blacksmith.
(d) He is a hunter.

4. What type of animal does Richard Peed draw for Lamar?
(a) An ostrich.
(b) A lion.
(c) An elephant.
(d) A monkey.

5. How does Lamar escape from the surrounded restaurant?
(a) Through the back door.
(b) Through a window.
(c) He doesn't escape; he's captured.
(d) Through the garbage chute.

6. Which of the following alcoholic beverages is CD Henderson's drink of choice?
(a) Vodka.
(b) Gin.
(c) Whiskey.
(d) Tequila.

7. How old is Ruta Beth Tull?
(a) 19.
(b) 32.
(c) 28.
(d) 45.

8. Who does Ruta Beth Tull live with?
(a) She lives with her children.
(b) She lives with her parents.
(c) She lives with her husband.
(d) She lives alone.

9. Which of the following workers is concerned when Mr. Stepford misses an appointment?
(a) A construction worker.
(b) A doctor.
(c) A waitress.
(d) A lawyer.

10. What color does Lamar want to repaint Ruta Beth's home?
(a) Yellow.
(b) White.
(c) Red.
(d) Green.

11. Which of the following characteristic traits does Lamar most worry about in Richard?
(a) His loyalty.
(b) His abrasiveness.
(c) His intelligence.
(d) His violence.

12. Immediately after escaping from prison, what is Lamar most interested in finding on "the outside"?
(a) Weapons.
(b) Booze.
(c) Food.
(d) Women.

13. Which of the following people is NOT present at the restaurant during the robbery?
(a) An undercover female cop.
(b) A clown without his make-up.
(c) An Air Force vet in full uniform.
(d) A cowboy.

14. Which of the following restaurants does Lamar plan to rob?
(a) McDonald's.
(b) Steak and Shake.
(c) Denny's.
(d) Checkers.

15. How does Ted feel about his job as a cop?
(a) He is totally apathetic.
(b) He is constantly terrified.
(c) He is confused about why he went into this line of work.
(d) He feels more important than he really is.

Short Answer Questions

1. Which of the following facts is true about Odell?

2. At the opening of the novel, what is Lamar Pye obsessing over?

3. Who saves Richard's life when he almost drowns?

4. What type of romantic relationship(s) is Bud Pewtie in?

5. Which of the following adjectives best describes the physical state of the gang while they wait for Lamar's return?

(see the answer keys)

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