Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 148 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 148 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. During his finals, Dirk makes a bet to try to disprove what?
(a) Rumors of his psychic abilities.
(b) The necessity of Electric Monks.
(c) Rumors of tampered recipes.
(d) The theory of relativity.

2. Once Dirk and Richard realize what the alien ghost wants, they set out to do what?
(a) Trap him.
(b) Dissolve him.
(c) Stop him.
(d) Help him.

3. In Chapter 12, after Richard goes home and pours himself a brandy, the author says there are three reasons he starts to shake, including what?
(a) The UFO.
(b) The look in the monk's eyes.
(c) The apparition of Gordon.
(d) The appearance of the time machine.

4. After Richard sees the horse in Reg's bathroom, he leaves and knocks on a neighbor's door. Who answers?
(a) His ex-girlfriend.
(b) The professor nobody has spoken to in years.
(c) His ex-boss.
(d) The little girl who kicked the table at the Coleridge dinner.

5. When Gordon Way leaves a message on Susan's answering machine, what does he request of her?
(a) To get Reg to stop doing his conspicuous tricks.
(b) To get Dirk on a case immediately.
(c) To get Richard working in earnest on Anthem.
(d) To get Michael to meet with him the following day.

Short Answer Questions

1. Richard accuses Dirk of doing what?

2. The author opens Chapter 7 indicating that Gordon Way is not aware that this day is to be what?

3. One of Dirk's roommates notices that he's reciting what while he sleeps?

4. What command does the college porter give to a "strange priest" who turns out to be the Electric Monk?

5. After Dirk Gently calls Richard and scolds him for going to the window and allowing himself to be photographed, he tells Richard to meet him where?

Short Essay Questions

1. Describe similarities and differences between WayForward Technologies I and II.

2. As a ghostly Gordon makes his way to his cottage, what does he ponder?

3. By the end of the first chapter, what appears to have happened to the tower?

4. When Richard leaves Reg's place after seeing a horse in the bathroom, what surprises him about the front door landing?

5. How does the author utilize foreshadowing with the character Gordon Way?

6. What does Gordon Way do on the last day of his life?

7. Dirk Gently doesn't appear in earnest until about a third of the way into the story. Is he the main character, or is someone else the main character of the story?

8. What is an Electric Monk?

9. Explain why Gordon is upset after he dies.

10. What belief system does the Electric Monk subscribe to after he starts doubting that the valley before him is pink?

(see the answer keys)

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