Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 148 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 148 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Chapter 12, after Richard goes home and pours himself a brandy, the author says there are three reasons he starts to shake, including what?
(a) The UFO.
(b) The apparition of Gordon.
(c) The look in the monk's eyes.
(d) The appearance of the time machine.

2. How old is the alien ghost that roams Earth filled with guilt and loneliness?
(a) Ninety-nine billion eight hundred million nine hundred thousand.
(b) Three years.
(c) Dozens of days.
(d) Millions of years.

3. During his finals, Dirk makes a bet to try to disprove what?
(a) The theory of relativity.
(b) The necessity of Electric Monks.
(c) Rumors of his psychic abilities.
(d) Rumors of tampered recipes.

4. When Richard leafs through the phone book looking for Dirk Gently's phone number, he:
(a) Has trouble finding it.
(b) Finds it under Dirk's former name.
(c) Discovers that pages are missing from the phone book.
(d) Finds twelve different numbers under the same name.

5. What does the roaming alien ghost who is driven mad with guilt and loneliness want?
(a) A meeting with the president of the universe.
(b) To go back in time to correct a mistake he made.
(c) A date with the female of his dreams.
(d) To jump into another dimension where his friends are.

6. When Reg prepares tea for Richard, he ends up spilling it all over the floor. What causes him to do this?
(a) His hands fell asleep.
(b) Time warp.
(c) Poltergeist.
(d) He's startled by a noise.

7. After a dead Gordon decides to try to get to his cabin, what does he notice about his body?
(a) It's twitching.
(b) It doesn't look like him.
(c) It's missing.
(d) It has moved twenty feet.

8. In Chapter 3, why is Susan Way angry with her boyfriend?
(a) He got the pay raise she was supposed to get.
(b) He ate her pizza.
(c) He stood her up again.
(d) He forgot her birthday.

9. When the little girl at the dinner party in Chapter 4 grows restless and kicks the table, what does her father do?
(a) Pretends not to notice.
(b) Orders ice cream for her.
(c) Laughs loudly.
(d) Scolds her.

10. When Richard sees what appears to be someone lugging a body into a field, he dismisses this as merely what?
(a) A man dressed as Santa bringing home presents.
(b) A farmer carrying a sackful of something nutritious.
(c) An actor practicing his improv.
(d) A landscaper carrying a bag of clippings.

11. With whom does Richard MacDuff walk to a dinner in Chapter 4?
(a) His friend's ex-girlfriend.
(b) His former college tutor.
(c) His half-brother.
(d) His former employer.

12. At first, Dirk Gently wants to help the roaming alien ghost using what?
(a) Submarine.
(b) Time machine.
(c) Laser.
(d) Fortune teller.

13. In Chapter 12, as a lost Richard drives down the road trying to read his maps, he's also trying to place a phone call with whom?
(a) Dirk.
(b) Reg.
(c) Gordon.
(d) Susan.

14. In Chapter 12, after Richard swerves wildly, slams on the brakes, and skids to a stop, he finds himself on the road:
(a) Hovering an inch above ground.
(b) Next to a flock of sheep.
(c) Underneath a tall truck.
(d) Facing the wrong way.

15. Why does Richard start to fall asleep at the dinner in Chapter 6?
(a) A reader is reciting a poem.
(b) The professor has hypnotized him.
(c) He's eaten too much.
(d) Harp music is playing.

Short Answer Questions

1. When a client calls Dirk to complain about charges, Dirk writes a note to Richard asking him to go get what?

2. What is the relationship between Richard MacDuff and private investigator Dirk Gently?

3. What kind of car does Richard MacDuff drive?

4. What happens when Richard scans Susan Way's answering machine tape in search of his own message?

5. When a dead Gordon realizes that the phone line is still open and connected to his sister's answering machine, what does he do?

(see the answer keys)

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