Digital Fortress Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Digital Fortress Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What happened to Susan during the explosion?
(a) suffered a broken arm
(b) knocked unconscious
(c) killed
(d) burned

2. Why did Fontaine send a team of his own to Spain?
(a) he didn't trust Hulohot
(b) he wanted Tankado killed
(c) he wanted Hulohot killed
(d) he didn't trust Swathmore

3. What is the first thing that David says to Susan?
(a) will you marry me
(b) what happened
(c) who are all these people
(d) where is Swathmore

4. What does Susan begin to suspect?
(a) Hale infected TRANSLTR with a virus
(b) the back door can't be found
(c) there is no Digital Fortress and TRANSLTR has a virus
(d) her tracer program is wrong

5. What does David suggest to Susan?
(a) she call him on a private line
(b) she give up
(c) that she multiply sixteen by four and take out the spaces
(d) she should do an anagram of the inscription

Short Answer Questions

1. When viewing the courtyard, Hulohot figures that ___________________________.

2. How did Becker get out of Santa Cruz?

3. There are twenty orange trees in the cathedral courtyard that are famous for ____________________________________.

4. Why do Susan and Jabba think that the inscription is not the pass key?

5. To Swathmore, the most important thing now is ____________________.

Short Essay Questions

1. When does Fontaine begin to realize the seriousness of the situation?

2. Who hired Hulohot and offered the pass key to Numataka?

3. What does Hale say that his plans for Digital Fortress are?

4. What happened where the filters were totally destroyed?

5. What is one of the first things that Susan sees when she enters the main databank's chamber?

6. When does Becker begin to think of Susan when he is in Santa Cruz?

7. Swathmore was begging Susan to stay with him. What did he know when he saw the pager messages?

8. What is in Caesar's Box?

9. What does Susan learn from Swathmore's pager?

10. Neither Susan nor Jabba feel the inscription is the pass key. Why?

(see the answer keys)

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