Digital Fortress Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Digital Fortress Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Hale wants Susan to come with him because he __________________________--.
(a) doesn't have a chance without a hostage
(b) is in love with Susan
(c) wants to hurt Swathmore
(d) needs her for directions

2. What does Swathmore want from Hale?
(a) the pass key
(b) the money from the sale to the Japanese firm
(c) his email
(d) his resignation

3. Midge obtains the keys to the Director's office by ____________________________.
(a) receiving permission from the Director
(b) using her own keys
(c) calling Security
(d) playing tapes of Brinkerhoff fondling his girlfriend

4. What is Hale's reaction to Swathmore's call to Security?
(a) Hale remains calm
(b) Hale begins to panic
(c) Hale repeats his demands
(d) Hale Attackes Swathmore

5. Why does Susan apologize to Swathmore?
(a) for giving Hale a chance to talk
(b) for walking out of Node 3
(c) she thinks she has ruined his plans for the Digital Fortress
(d) for doubting his motives

6. What were Tankado's plans for Digital Fortress?
(a) to auction the pass key to the highest bidder
(b) to give the pass key to NSA
(c) to keep Digital Fortress a secret
(d) to make the pass key publicly available

7. After looking at the files on Hale's computer, Susan suspects that __________________________.
(a) Greg Hale is North Dakota
(b) nothing
(c) Hale lied about knowing Tankado
(d) Hale is not involved in the Digital Fortress problem

8. The one billion dollar code figure is explained by ____________________________.
(a) incorrect data input
(b) dividing the cost figures by zero
(c) a virus
(d) no explanation is given

9. When Milken and Brinkerhoff question Swathmore, what does he tell them?
(a) that their data is correct
(b) that he will look into the situation
(c) that TRANSLTR is down
(d) their data is wrong

10. What does Hale find when he arrives at the hangar?
(a) the pilot is armed and waiting for him
(b) the Lear jet is empty
(c) the Lear jet is gone
(d) the Lear jet is locked

11. Becker finds the meaning of Dewdrop by ________________________.
(a) asking questions on the street
(b) asking the police
(c) translating the name Rocio into English
(d) asking Clouchard

12. What does Becker find in the bathroom at the airport?
(a) a bag with money
(b) he can't wash the mace-like substance out of his eyes
(c) a janitor's body
(d) Megan's body

13. When Susan is talking to Fletcher, Greg Hale _____________________.
(a) aborts her tracer program
(b) ignores them
(c) locks her out of her computer
(d) changes the target on the tracer program

14. What do Midge Milken and Chad Brinkerhoff question?
(a) the possibility of a virus
(b) nothing
(c) the reliability of the data
(d) the zero codes broken figure

15. In Node 3, Hale protects himself by _______________________--.
(a) hiding in the kitchen
(b) taking the gun from Swathmore
(c) using Susan as a shield
(d) using Swathmore as a shield

Short Answer Questions

1. After Swathmore frees Susan from Hale, she learns that __________________________.

2. How does Becker try to find the German?

3. Why does Swathmore want ll traces and references to Digital Fortress removed?

4. Becker finds Rochio's hotel number by ___________________________.

5. Swathmore calls Hale's bluff by __________________________.

(see the answer keys)

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