Difficult Loves Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Difficult Loves Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In "The Adventure of a Bather", where is Isotta found when she receives help?
(a) In the bathtub.
(b) On the diving board.
(c) Clinging to a buoy.
(d) In the tanning bed.

2. "The Adventure of a Clerk," how does Enrico Gnei feel after starting work?
(a) Hungry.
(b) Ill.
(c) Energized.
(d) Tired.

3. In "The Adventure of a Photographer", what does Antonio become obsessed with?
(a) Admiring Bice's photography.
(b) Painting pictures of his friends' children.
(c) Yelling at strangers.
(d) Taking pictures of Bice.

4. In "The Adventure of a Reader", where does Amedeo like to read?
(a) On the bus.
(b) The beach.
(c) His kitchen.
(d) In his bedroom.

5. In "The Adventure of a Traveler", where does Cinzia live?
(a) Paris.
(b) New York City.
(c) Venice.
(d) Rome.

6. In "The Adventure of a Nearsighted Man", Amilcare Carruga is a ___.
(a) Small child.
(b) Homosexual.
(c) Widow.
(d) Bachelor.

7. In "The Adventure of a Bather", what is Isotta's occupation?
(a) Prostitute.
(b) Doctor.
(c) Maid.
(d) Housewife.

8. In "The Adventure of a Bather", what is Isotta's fear?
(a) She will get a sunburn.
(b) Someone will see her naked.
(c) She will drown.
(d) She will get pruny.

9. Which character is in both "Sleeping Like Dogs" and "Dollars and the Demimondaine"?
(a) La Bolognese.
(b) Jolanda.
(c) Mad Maria.
(d) Emanuele.

10. In "The Adventure of a Nearsighted Man", where does Amilcare go?
(a) To his favorite cafe.
(b) To his mother's house.
(c) To his hometown.
(d) Hong Kong.

11. In "Sleeping Like Dogs", how does Belmoretto rent out the object he himself has rented?
(a) Per meal.
(b) By the minute.
(c) By the half hour.
(d) Per psychic reading.

12. In "Transit Bed", where does Gim hide?
(a) In a closet.
(b) The shed.
(c) The bathroom.
(d) The trunk of a car.

13. In "Desire in November", how does Linda react to Barbagallo?
(a) She screams.
(b) She laughs.
(c) She vomits.
(d) She is disgusted.

14. In "The Adventure of a Poet", Delia is___.
(a) Mean.
(b) Ugly.
(c) Old.
(d) Beautiful.

15. In "The Adventure of a Nearsighted Man", what does Amilcare get?
(a) Binoculars.
(b) A magnifying glass.
(c) Contacts.
(d) Glasses.

Short Answer Questions

1. In "Dollars and the Demimondaine", who are La Bolognese and Mad Maria?

2. In "The Adventure of a Bather", who helps Isotta?

3. In "Dollars and the Demimondaine", what does the word "demimondaine" mean?

4. In "Desire in November", where does the story take place?

5. In "Desire in November", what is the priest giving away?

(see the answer keys)

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