Difficult Loves Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Difficult Loves Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In "Transit Bed", what does Gim want while hiding?
(a) A gin and tonic.
(b) A sandwich.
(c) Cigarettes.
(d) Water.

2. In "Desire in November", what does Barbagallo fall asleep on?
(a) A bed of furs.
(b) A table top.
(c) A church pew.
(d) A bed of hay.

3. "The Adventure of a Clerk," how does Enrico Gnei feel when his day starts?
(a) Ill.
(b) Annoyed.
(c) Anxious.
(d) Delighted.

4. In "The Adventure of a Nearsighted Man", Amilcare Carruga is a ___.
(a) Small child.
(b) Widow.
(c) Homosexual.
(d) Bachelor.

5. In "The Adventure of a Nearsighted Man", what does Amilcare no longer enjoy?
(a) Taking a shower.
(b) Eating pastries.
(c) Life.
(d) Being a child.

6. In "The Adventure of a Reader", what does Amedeo like to do other than read?
(a) Go out to eat.
(b) Sleep.
(c) Bike and swim.
(d) Fly planes.

7. In "Theft in a Pastry Shop", who broke into the pastry shop according to the official police report?
(a) A monkey.
(b) Baby.
(c) Dritto.
(d) Uora-Uora.

8. In "Desire in November", how is Barbagallo perceived by most women?
(a) As a saint.
(b) As a comedian.
(c) As a pervert.
(d) As a Casa Nova.

9. In "Sleeping Like Dogs", what does everyone want to do?
(a) Go home.
(b) Sleep in a bed.
(c) Eat at a fancy restaurant.
(d) Get off the ship.

10. In "Dollars and the Demimondaine", how do Emanuele and Jolanda make a living?
(a) Pimping Jolanda.
(b) Cleaning houses.
(c) Tending bar.
(d) Selling American dollars.

11. In "The Adventure of a Photographer", what is Antonino Paraggi's profession?
(a) Performance artist.
(b) Photographer.
(c) Sculptor.
(d) Painter.

12. In "The Adventure of a Nearsighted Man", why don't people recognize Amilcare?
(a) They do not know him.
(b) He is wearing glasses.
(c) He has aged.
(d) He has gotten fat.

13. In "Desire in November", when did Barbagallo's clothes get stolen?
(a) In the summertime.
(b) That morning.
(c) November.
(d) In the fall.

14. In "Dollars and the Demimondaine", who goes into the bar first?
(a) La Bolognese.
(b) Mad Maria.
(c) Emanuele.
(d) Jolanda.

15. In "The Adventure of a Photographer", what does Antonio buy?
(a) A potter's wheel.
(b) A new easel.
(c) A new outfit.
(d) An old-fashioned camera.

Short Answer Questions

1. In "Transit Bed", who is Lilin?

2. In "Transit Bed", who gets kicked out of bed?

3. In "The Adventure of a Reader", what does Amedeo do while having sex?

4. In "The Adventure of a Poet", what "scandalous" thing does Delia do?

5. In "The Adventure of a Nearsighted Man", what does Amilcare put on glasses to look at?

(see the answer keys)

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