Die Trying Test | Final Test - Easy

Lee Child
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Die Trying Test | Final Test - Easy

Lee Child
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where does Beau order the Marines and other agents to sit?
(a) At the entrance to his camp.
(b) On a bridge.
(c) In the command station.
(d) Inside military vehicles.

2. Who tells Holly that the group plans to execute Reacher?
(a) Beau.
(b) The undercover agent.
(c) Reacher.
(d) The woman who delivers lunch.

3. In Chapter 43, why does Garber kill a guard?
(a) To get closer to Holly.
(b) To protect Beau.
(c) To set up a watch point.
(d) To get even with him.

4. In Chapter 26, who does Johnson's aide suggest the agents contact to find out more about Reacher?
(a) His professors.
(b) His old commander.
(c) His old neighbors.
(d) His mother.

5. Who does Reacher hear Beau talking to on Johnson's radio?
(a) Brogan.
(b) Holly.
(c) Mac.
(d) Webster.

6. Why does Reacher ask Mac about Brogen's height?
(a) So he can protect Holly from him.
(b) So he can hide from him.
(c) So he can make small talk.
(d) So he can shoot him.

7. Who does Beau order to kill Reacher in Chapter 37?
(a) He orders himself.
(b) A masked guard.
(c) Johnson.
(d) Fowler.

8. What does Holly threaten to do if Beau and his kidnappers won't let Reacher go?
(a) Kill herself.
(b) Burn their camp.
(c) Tell her father.
(d) Shoot them.

9. What does Webster request after ordering Beau's phone lines to be cut?
(a) For them to always sound busy.
(b) For them to be left cut.
(c) For the lines to be linked to the President's office.
(d) For the lines to re-routed to a command post.

10. What punishment is given to Loder after his trial?
(a) Severe fines.
(b) Execution.
(c) Community service.
(d) A prison sentence.

11. What happens during Loder's trial?
(a) He isn't allowed to state a defense.
(b) His lawyer walks out on him.
(c) The judge doesn't let him in the room.
(d) The jury ignores him.

12. Why does Garber follow Mac when he is taken in Chapter 41?
(a) Because he doesn't know where else to go.
(b) Because Mac asked him to.
(c) To pretend to be on Beau's side.
(d) To try to protect him.

13. Where does Reacher hide when Beau and Fowler approach him in the cave?
(a) In a box of explosives.
(b) Among dead bodies.
(c) Behind a rock.
(d) Under a truck.

14. How much money does Fowler tell Reacher their group has access to?
(a) Over 20 million dollars.
(b) Over 5 million dollars.
(c) Over 10 million dollars.
(d) Over 1 million dollars.

15. What do Mac and Webster feel they need to control coming in and out of Beau's camp as their first line of defense?
(a) Raw materials.
(b) Information.
(c) People.
(d) Money.

Short Answer Questions

1. What group does Reacher tell his punishment guard he belongs to?

2. How long does Reacher say Loder and the other kidnappers were in Chicago before taking Holly?

3. What does Fowler tell Reacher his group has taken over the day-to-day operations of?

4. Who gives Reacher a tour of the camp?

5. Why does the group have plans to kill Reacher?

(see the answer keys)

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