Dicey's Song Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 167 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Dicey's Song Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 167 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does the home ec teacher explain the importance of the course?
(a) The local business community donates the supplies to help the students in town.
(b) Skills are taught that the girls owe it to themselves to know.
(c) The local business community demands students be knowledgeable about the topics.
(d) The course is mandatory to pass along to the next grade level.

2. What is Jeff's surprise question to Dicey as they walk from the school to the market?
(a) Jeff asks Dicey to a school dance.
(b) Jeff asks if Dicey can get him a job at the market.
(c) Jeff asks if he can come to the farm to see her again Saturday.
(d) Jeff asks if Maybeth can come to his house to sing songs.

3. What is the big change Dicey sees in herself since she and Gram left Maryland?
(a) Dicey allows Gram to take control despite her need to always be responsible.
(b) Dicey senses she is drawing away from Gram in most ways.
(c) Dicey realizes she is now very much like Gram.
(d) Dicey senses she is stronger than Gram and will have to lead the way.

4. What is clear to Dicey when see sees Momma?
(a) Momma seems to have an inner tranquility.
(b) Momma has gained some weight and looks better.
(c) Momma has trouble expressing her thoughts.
(d) Momma is dying.

5. What is Dicey's reply to Jeff's surprise question?
(a) Dicey says she is too young to have regular Saturday visitors.
(b) Dicey says she is too young to get a regular job.
(c) Dicey says Maybeth is too young to leave the farm regularly.
(d) Dicey says she is too young to be going to dances.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Dicey come to realize as she and Gram end their conversation by the fire?

2. What does Dicey buy for Sammy that leads to a conversation about Momma?

3. What does James offer as proof that Maybeth is making progress?

4. What is the class reaction when Mr. Chappelle concludes reading Mina's essay?

5. Which parts of the home economics teacher's explanation capture Dicey's interest?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does the English teacher comment about Dicey's essay that she refuses to respond to?

2. What does Gram tell Dicey about life when she hears about how Mina defended Dicey in front of the teacher and the class.

3. Mina rises to Dicey's defense for two reasons, one of which is she personally likes Dicey. What is the other reason?

4. What does Dicey learn about herself as a result of the brief conversation with Miss Eversleigh outside the market?

5. What is the purpose and the outcome of Gram's visit to Sammy's school?

6. What does Dicey conclude when she first sees the failing home ec grade on her report card?

7. What family perspective concerning Momma occurs to Dicey as she does the Christmas shopping focused on each family member?

8. What does Dicey immediately do the same night Gram gives the advice about letting others help.

9. Dicey wants to lean forward and hug Gram when they conclude discussing the report card and Gram says she believes all that Dicey says. Why does Dicey not follow through with a hug?

10. What does Dicey discover as a result of the last minute shopping duties suggested by Gram?

(see the answer keys)

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