Dicey's Song Test | Final Test - Easy

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Dicey's Song Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 167 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is Jeff's surprise question to Dicey as they walk from the school to the market?
(a) Jeff asks if Dicey can get him a job at the market.
(b) Jeff asks if Maybeth can come to his house to sing songs.
(c) Jeff asks Dicey to a school dance.
(d) Jeff asks if he can come to the farm to see her again Saturday.

2. What does Jeff say he was hoping for when he gives a ride to the farm?
(a) Jeff was hoping to meet Maybeth.
(b) Jeff was hoping to be invited to supper.
(c) Jeff was hoping to meet Gram.
(d) Jeff was hoping to meet James.

3. What is the big change Dicey sees in herself since she and Gram left Maryland?
(a) Dicey allows Gram to take control despite her need to always be responsible.
(b) Dicey senses she is stronger than Gram and will have to lead the way.
(c) Dicey realizes she is now very much like Gram.
(d) Dicey senses she is drawing away from Gram in most ways.

4. What does Sammy repeatedly ask of the others in order to avoid conversation?
(a) Sammy wants to know who can teach him to play marbles.
(b) Sammy asks if he can help Millie and Dicey at the store.
(c) Sammy asks if Mina has a boyfriend in school.
(d) Sammy asks if Dicey has a boyfriend in school.

5. What does Dicey think is the most important aspect of an essay?
(a) The teacher notes because that gives all the clues on how to improve a grade.
(b) The grade is the only important part.
(c) Topic sentences that give each part meaning to the whole.
(d) The comments about punctuation because it always counts on the next essay.

6. Why is it that Dicey dislikes home economics class?
(a) Home ec is the last class of the day and Dicey just wants to go to work.
(b) The teacher is impatient and incompetent.
(c) The classroom of all girls is silly and immature.
(d) The boring topics are of interest only to people that do not have more important things.

7. What does Mr. Chappelle tell the class about the quality of Dicey's essay?
(a) The quality is very good for a student at grade level.
(b) The quality is simplistic and beneath grade level.
(c) The quality is stilted and difficult to follow.
(d) The quality is too good to have been written by a grade level student.

8. What does Gram tell Dicey to do with the money she hands to her?
(a) Go buy Liza new winter boots.
(b) Go put this in Liza's account.
(c) Go get decent take out food for Gram, Liza and herself.
(d) Go Christmas shopping for the kids.

9. What is Millie's description when Dicey asks what Gram was like when young?
(a) Millie describes Gram as pert and outspoken with a sharp witty tongue.
(b) Millie describes Gram as weepy and overly emotional when a young teen.
(c) Millie describes Gram as rugged and self-reliant when a young teen.
(d) Millie describes Gram as extremely shy and painfully withdrawn as a child.

10. What is Dicey's reaction when Jeff comes in to the market?
(a) Dicey goes to the back room to avoid talking to Jeff.
(b) Dicey is unresponsive to Jeff's attempt at friendly conversation.
(c) Dicey intentionally stands where Jeff does not see her.
(d) Dicey is smiling and happy to see Jeff.

11. What does Dicey decide to spend her own money to buy?
(a) New loafers for Gram.
(b) Guitar music book for Jeff.
(c) Leather gloves for Gram.
(d) Magazine subscription for James.

12. As Mina and Dicey talk about different types of people, what does Dicey say about all people?
(a) People are better off not being able to choose their family members.
(b) Everybody has something about them you just do not like.
(c) People cannot be trusted to not reveal secrets about another.
(d) Everybody has negative secrets about themselves.

13. What is Millie's comment concerning Gram since the kids showed up?
(a) Gram is more like her old self.
(b) Gram is worn down and tired from the extra work.
(c) Gram is more optimistic about everything.
(d) Gram is more secretive and withdrawn.

14. What is the class reaction when Mr. Chappelle concludes reading Dicey's essay?
(a) Uncomfortable silence followed by random speaking out.
(b) Impatience about getting all the essays passed out.
(c) Laughter and comments of praise.
(d) No one seems to be paying attention.

15. What is Millie's reaction to Jeff's visit to the market?
(a) His visit prompts her to remind Dicey about the chores.
(b) His visit causes her to tease and giggle with Dicey.
(c) His visit prompts her to recall her years growing up with Gram.
(d) His visit causes her to be embarrassed about the condition of the market.

Short Answer Questions

1. What happened with Sammy at school that Dicey finds reassuring and amusing?

2. What is Gram's special announcement she makes as she serves the warm apple pie?

3. What is clear to Dicey when see sees Momma?

4. What is it that gives Dicey the feeling she is always off balance?

5. What does Mina confide to Dicey are her problems?

(see the answer keys)

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