Dicey's Song Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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Dicey's Song Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 167 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who is the person Gram and Dicey decide to talk with about Maybeth's school progress?
(a) Mr Chappelle.
(b) Mr. Lingerle.
(c) Millie.
(d) James.

2. What image of her mother comes to her mind as Dicey is sitting alone on the dock at sunset?
(a) An image of her smiling mother in her gown on her wedding day.
(b) An image of her young mother laughing and running in the farm fields.
(c) A photo of her mother from the Boston newspaper.
(d) A police photo of her mother's dazed face and short cropped hair.

3. What is it that distracts Dicey as she hurries from the school to the bike rack?
(a) Dicey notices a boy and a girl from a higher grade kissing behind the school.
(b) Dicey notices a group of town girls and boys huddled together behind the school.
(c) Dicey sees a boy playing a guitar on a wall behind the school.
(d) Dicey imagines Gram sitting on the wall staring at the sky.

4. After some discussion among James, Gram, Mr. Lingerle and Dicey, what is the plan agreed upon for Maybeth.
(a) James will go to the library to do some research.
(b) Maybeth needs more difficult word lists in order to progress.
(c) Maybeth needs more word lists to work on.
(d) Mr. Lingerle will go to the library to do some research.

5. What does Dicey's new friend say that indicates a true friendship is possible?
(a) He gives Dicey his phone number.
(b) Tells Dicey to call her Mina, the name her friends call her.
(c) She gives Dicey her phone number.
(d) Tells Dicey to call her Mandy, the name her friends call her.

6. What is the outcome of the meeting with the music teacher concerning Maybeth?
(a) No changes will be made until after Dicey talks with the teacher.
(b) He wants to give her weekly private lessons.
(c) Maybeth will undertake remedial work in order to catch up with the class.
(d) Maybeth will acquire a different book and try harder.

7. What is James' first reaction to Maybeth's plight?
(a) He is angry at himself for not realizing how Maybeth's struggles are affecting her.
(b) He is irritated at Gram for allowing Maybeth to slack.
(c) He is pleased with himself that he is not as slow as Maybeth.
(d) He is irritated that Maybeth is not emotionally stronger.

8. What is Gram's advice to Dicey about life in general?
(a) Life is a hard business.
(b) Life passes by much too quickly.
(c) Life is always easy if you smile and dream.
(d) Life can only be lived one day at a time.

9. During lunch at the mall, what does Gram report was the teacher's review of Maybeth?
(a) The teacher said Maybeth is disruptive and uncooperative.
(b) The teacher said Maybeth is doing fine, right on course for grade level.
(c) The teacher said Maybeth may need a tutor to help her stay current.
(d) The teacher said Maybeth's work has gone down since the start of the school year.

10. What is Dicey's response when Mina says she counted on Dicey not to be ordinary?
(a) Dicey tells her that she wants more than anything to be ordinary.
(b) Dicey tells Mina she does not want the apron she made, Mina can have it.
(c) Dicey tells her not to wait after class anymore.
(d) Dicey tells her not to count on me for anything.

11. Why does Dicey not want Sammy to help with scraping the boat?
(a) Sammy is too easily distracted and careless.
(b) Sammy is too needy and will want to help every day.
(c) Dicey wants the time and the boat to herself, not to share.
(d) Dicey is the only person that knows how and she does not want to instruct.

12. After lunch, what do Gram and Dicey conclude should be advice to Sammy about school?
(a) Dicey will tell Sammy to loosen up and be himself, he does not have to be perfect.
(b) Dicey will tell Sammy he has to spend more time reading.
(c) Dicey will tell Sammy his attitude at school has to improve.
(d) Dicey will tell Sammy he will soon have a tutor.

13. What does Gram do when she overhears James and Dicey whispering about the family Bible?
(a) Gram seizes the Bible and returns it to the shelves.
(b) Gram adds the four kids names to the family Bible list.
(c) Gram weeps sadly and leaves the room.
(d) Gram smiles, sits quietly, and prays for many minutes.

14. What does Dicey think about Mina trying to be friendly?
(a) Mina is not a worthy person.
(b) Mina has too many friends to care anything about Dicey.
(c) The more a person knows about her, they have a kind of hold on her.
(d) Maybe others will follow the example set by Mina.

15. What does James think might be the root of Maybeth's reading troubles?
(a) Self-induced stress created by fear of failure.
(b) Lack of imagination to visualize what is read.
(c) Emotional troubles that blocked early learning skills.
(d) Inability to relate to the material that is read.

Short Answer Questions

1. What makes Dicey doubt that Maybeth might be retarded?

2. What is James' announcement that surprises Dicey and Gram?

3. What is it about Will Hawkin's character that Dicey considers as the topic for her paper?

4. What thought occurs to Dicey as she watches James try to calm Maybeth?

5. What is Gram's reaction to all the paperwork about welfare assistance?

(see the answer keys)

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