Dicey's Song Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 167 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Dicey's Song Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 167 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapters 11-12.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is Gram's advice to Dicey when they meet and hug in the morning?
(a) Dicey has to learn to let go.
(b) Dicey has to learn to care about others.
(c) Dicey has to learn to be less emotional.
(d) Dicey has to learn to provide for herself.

2. Why does Dicey not want Sammy to help with scraping the boat?
(a) Sammy is too needy and will want to help every day.
(b) Sammy is too easily distracted and careless.
(c) Dicey is the only person that knows how and she does not want to instruct.
(d) Dicey wants the time and the boat to herself, not to share.

3. Who is it the family reaches out to and invites to Thanksgiving dinner?
(a) Mrs. Easterleigh.
(b) Jeff Cooper.
(c) Mr. Lingerle.
(d) MillieTydings.

4. What does Mina confide to Dicey are her problems?
(a) Mina has to be known as the perfect daughter of the local preacher.
(b) Mina is an intelligent, huge black female with a pleasing personality, a giant oddball.
(c) Mina is like Dicey because she does not care what people think.
(d) Mina comes from a huge family none of whom she approves of.

5. What does Dicey decide to spend her own money to buy?
(a) Magazine subscription for James.
(b) New loafers for Gram.
(c) Guitar music book for Jeff.
(d) Leather gloves for Gram.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is James' first reaction to Maybeth's plight?

2. Why is it that Dicey dislikes home economics class?

3. As the others slowly walk to the house, what song words occur to Dicey, Dicey's Song?

4. What is it about Wilhemina Smiths that makes an impression on Dicey?

5. What is Gram's response to the suggestion to let go and choose an urn from the undertaker's supply?

(see the answer key)

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