Dicey's Song Quiz | Four Week Quiz B

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 167 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Dicey's Song Quiz | Four Week Quiz B

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 167 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapters 9-10.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What happens that distracts and causes James to forget his promise about Maybeth?
(a) James makes a new friend, one who invites him to sleep over.
(b) James develops a lasting cold from the foul weather endured during deliveries.
(c) James injures his ankle while making his deliveries.
(d) James visits the library and chooses a dozen fiction books for himself to read.

2. As they discuss school, what trait about James does Dicey remind herself ?
(a) James has a mean nasty streak inside himself.
(b) James is a kind and sensitive person.
(c) James is a lonesome disturbed person.
(d) James thinks about things too much.

3. What is Gram's reaction to the offer of a ride to town for her and Dicey?
(a) Gram smiles and gratefully accepts the offer.
(b) Gram declines the offer and insists the boat will do fine.
(c) Gram becomes a little weepy and sniffles because of the kindness.
(d) Gram is not pleased because she does not like to be helped.

4. Why does Dicey not want Sammy to help with scraping the boat?
(a) Dicey wants the time and the boat to herself, not to share.
(b) Dicey is the only person that knows how and she does not want to instruct.
(c) Sammy is too needy and will want to help every day.
(d) Sammy is too easily distracted and careless.

5. What is Dicey's reaction to Mr. Chappelle's comments as she leaves the room?
(a) Dicey stops and glares at him until he turns away from her.
(b) Dicey does not react because what he says does not matter.
(c) Tears well in her eyes as she keeps walking.
(d) Dicey drops her bookbag and runs from the room.

Short Answer Questions

1. When Mina and Dicey talk about plans for a personal future, what are Dicey's plans?

2. After dinner as they sit by the fire, what is Gram's advice to Dicey?

3. What are the feelings Dicey gets when shopping that she wants Gram to also experience?

4. What does Dicey decide to spend her own money to buy?

5. What comment by James causes Dicey to understand why James is brooding?

(see the answer key)

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