Dicey's Song Quiz | Four Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 167 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Dicey's Song Quiz | Four Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 167 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapters 2-3.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does James say about fitting in at the new school?
(a) James cares about fitting in, Dicey does not care.
(b) New comers never quite fit in at middle school and high school.
(c) Dicey cares about fitting in, James does not care.
(d) Teachers and principals make it easy for new comers to fit in.

2. What advice does Dicey sharply deliver to James about school and fitting in?
(a) Worry concerning anything does not do any good.
(b) School lasts only a few years.
(c) School is a place where under-achievers pull down the achievers.
(d) School exists to employ adults and boost adult egos.

3. What is it about Gram that Dicey realizes when she notices how Gram reacts to Maybeth's lateness?
(a) Gram seems to be growing stronger and more determined every day.
(b) Gram actually resents the responsibility thrust upon her.
(c) Gram does not have a plan or know how to cope with life.
(d) Gram is now made vulnerable to the world as a result of taking in the children.

4. What does the nun at day camp recommend concerning Maybeth's learning progress?
(a) She recommends Maybeth spend more time around adults.
(b) She recommends Maybeth attend the local Catholic grade school.
(c) She recommends Maybeth spend more time among other girls.
(d) She recommends Maybeth attend a school for the retarded.

5. What does Dicey's new friend say that indicates a true friendship is possible?
(a) Tells Dicey to call her Mandy, the name her friends call her.
(b) She gives Dicey her phone number.
(c) He gives Dicey his phone number.
(d) Tells Dicey to call her Mina, the name her friends call her.

Short Answer Questions

1. What makes Dicey doubt that Maybeth might be retarded?

2. What game is Sammy playing when he tries to bend the rules?

3. What is the factor that increases the boredom Dicey endures in English class?

4. What does Dicey do at the store on the first work Saturday that seems to make a big difference?

5. What is the common thread in the kids' background that seems to stifle true joy of life?

(see the answer key)

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