Diary of a Wimpy Kid Test | Final Test - Medium

Jeff Kinney
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 163 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Diary of a Wimpy Kid Test | Final Test - Medium

Jeff Kinney
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 163 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who gets the open job at the school paper in February?
(a) Rowley.
(b) Greg.
(c) Patty.
(d) Rodrick.

2. What does Greg think is the most interesting part of Rodrick's yearbook?
(a) The Athletics page.
(b) The Class Favorites page.
(c) The School Council page.
(d) The School Newspaper page.

3. Why is Mr. Worth not at school the day in May that Greg puts something on the teacher's chair?
(a) Mr. Worth has a dentist appointment.
(b) Mr. Worth has a sick relative.
(c) Mr. Worth is getting surgery.
(d) Mr. Worth is on vacation.

4. Who is the teacher that oversees the school paper?
(a) Mrs. Norton.
(b) Mr. Worsky.
(c) Mr. Ira.
(d) Mrs. Clariton.

5. What game does Fregley want to play with Greg?
(a) Twister.
(b) Go Fish.
(c) Scrabble.
(d) Chutes and Ladders.

Short Answer Questions

1. What do Rowley and his new best friend do that makes Greg sick?

2. At what time does Greg return home from Fregley's house?

3. Who catches Greg messing with Manny's snowman?

4. When does Greg's mom notice there is something wrong with Greg concerning Safety Patrol?

5. What realization does Greg make after hearing about the reason Rowley got into trouble in March?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why would Greg's English teacher, Mrs. Levine, call the snowy situation between Greg and Rowley and the Whirley Street kids ironic?

2. How does the reader know that Greg's experience at Fregley's house does not go well?

3. What happens to Greg's plan to put a thumbtack on his teacher's chair and make everyone laugh?

4. How does Rowley treat Greg after the truth comes out that it was Greg who was terrorizing the kindergarteners?

5. Why is Greg disappointed when he sees his comic in the school newspaper?

6. In February, why do Greg and Rowley decide to throw the base of their snowman into the street?

7. Why does Greg throw his yearbook in the trash can at the end of the year?

8. How and why does Greg feel about his chances of getting the cartoonist job for the school newspaper?

9. Why does Greg want to get voted onto the Class Favorites page?

10. Why does Greg say that he got rid of the wretched Cheese once and for all?

(see the answer keys)

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