Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.
Multiple Choice Questions
1. What does Rodrick want to eat after they look for their stuff on the highway?
(a) Cereal.
(b) Pizza.
(c) Chips.
(d) Cinnamon rolls.
2. How long does it take for a tow truck to come when the family's van is disabled?
(a) 45 minutes.
(b) 2 hours.
(c) An hour.
(d) 30 minutes.
3. What is written on a sign that Rodrick writes for Greg to hold at the water park?
(a) "I am not waring a bathing suit."
(b) "I'm trying to find my brother."
(c) "I just threw up in the pool."
(d) "I just peed in the pool."
4. What does Rodrick find that does not even belong to the family when they search for their stuff on the highway?
(a) Old sweatshirt.
(b) Underwear.
(c) Pink t-shirt.
(d) Black t-shirt.
5. What number does Greg think is their locker at the water park?
(a) 829.
(b) 830.
(c) 930.
(d) 929.
Short Answer Questions
1. Why does Greg remember that his mother had their dog Sweetie's stomach pumped?
2. What type of restaurant does the family find at the end of Section 4?
3. What grade was Rodrick in when he would run away every day, but come home when his favorite TV show was on?
4. What does Mom get for Rodrick while Greg gets medical care?
5. What does Dad nearly drive into when he is talking on the phone in Section 2?
Short Essay Questions
1. Why does the auto mechanic not fix the van?
2. Where does the family eat at the beginning of Section 4 and what is it like?
3. What discussion does the family have when Greg notices that there is a water park two blocks from the auto repair place?
4. Why does Rodrick want to keep the pig?
5. What does the pig get into and eat at the hotel where the family stays?
6. How does Greg get bitten by the pig?
7. When the family tries to decide what to do after spending the night in a hotel in Section 4, what does everyone want to do?
8. What happens during Frank's call from a client in Section 2?
9. How does Manny win a pig, and why does he keep it?
10. Where is the first place the family stops after a night in a motel in Section 2?
This section contains 892 words (approx. 3 pages at 300 words per page) |