Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Old School Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Jeff Kinney
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Old School Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Jeff Kinney
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In July and August, how many hours did Greg spend in air conditioning?
(a) 5.
(b) 6.
(c) 2.
(d) 8.

2. In Section 1, how close is the restaurant that is looking for employees to Greg's house?
(a) 20 minutes.
(b) 15 minutes.
(c) 5 minutes.
(d) 10 minutes.

3. How much does Greg offer a kid in the neighborhood to take his lemonade stand elsewhere?
(a) $2.
(b) $5.
(c) $1.
(d) $7.

4. What is the name of the music teacher in Section 1?
(a) Mrs. Quentin.
(b) Mrs. Richardson.
(c) Mrs. Graziano.
(d) Mrs. Zander.

5. What was Frank able to buy when he and Giles had a lemonade stand?
(a) Roller skates.
(b) Bicycle.
(c) Skateboard.
(d) Pogo stick.

6. What does a boy in Greg's neighborhood say that proceeds from his lemonade stand will go towards?
(a) A present for his sister.
(b) Medicine for a sick kitty.
(c) Medicine for a sick dog.
(d) A present for his brother.

7. What grade is Frew in?
(a) 3rd.
(b) 2nd.
(c) 4th.
(d) 1st.

8. Who has a party at the beginning of Section 2?
(a) Greg.
(b) Rodrick.
(c) Manny.
(d) Grandpa.

9. What was the name of Greg's grandfather's girlfriend who broke up with him?
(a) Darlene.
(b) Maureen.
(c) Patricia.
(d) Abigail.

10. How long does it take Frew to do Greg's homework in Section 1?
(a) 15 minutes.
(b) 60 minutes.
(c) 45 minutes.
(d) 30 minutes.

11. What does Greg end up doing in Section 2 after his mother gets involved?
(a) Mowing.
(b) Raking leaves.
(c) Planting annuals.
(d) Weeding.

12. What does Frew read for fun?
(a) Computer coding manuals.
(b) Scientific journals and college textbooks.
(c) Popular Science.
(d) Comic books.

13. Why does Greg's mother say that things were great when she was younger?
(a) The town was like one giant family.
(b) There was less air poultion.
(c) It was easier to get around without traffic jams.
(d) Everything was cheaper.

14. What does Greg want to do during the electronics-free weekend?
(a) Read comic books.
(b) Go to the pool.
(c) Read graphic novels.
(d) Play board games.

15. Where does Greg move his stand?
(a) Town park.
(b) Next to the courthouse.
(c) Next to a grocery store.
(d) City pool.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Greg pay a man to go away, when the man wants to advertise Greg's stand?

2. What does Greg's grandfather say they played when he was a kid?

3. What is everyone supposed to do during the electronics-free weekend?

4. In Section 1, what does Greg say that his family has for a pet?

5. What day of the week is it at the beginning of Section 1?

(see the answer keys)

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