Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Cabin Fever Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Jeff Kinney
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Cabin Fever Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Jeff Kinney
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy the Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Cabin Fever Lesson Plans
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How much money does Greg ask his mother for to buy his virtual pet trampoline shoes?
(a) $10.
(b) $5.
(c) $15.
(d) $3.

2. How much does Greg charge to shovel driveways?
(a) $7.
(b) $5.
(c) $4.50.
(d) $3.

3. What is Cody Johnson's nickname?
(a) Dookie.
(b) Sonic.
(c) Carrot head.
(d) Poopy.

4. What was the name of the kid who used to bother Dad?
(a) Billy Staples.
(b) Chuck Philipps.
(c) Davis Andrews.
(d) Rob Martin.

5. How much does Greg have to spend for rock salt?
(a) $15.
(b) $25.
(c) $20.
(d) $10.

6. What is the name of the girl who caused the monkey bars to be removed from the playground?
(a) Zoey Lewis.
(b) Megan Brown.
(c) Christine Higgins.
(d) Rachel Watson.

7. What is the name of the school bully?
(a) Bill Watson.
(b) Peter Rice.
(c) Dennis Root.
(d) Royce Davis.

8. How many fundraisers does Greg's school have in a year?
(a) 1.
(b) 2.
(c) 4.
(d) 3.

9. What did Nasty pants use to chase Rowley and Greg?
(a) Baseball bats.
(b) Hockey stick.
(c) Stick.
(d) Knife.

10. What does Greg try to use to remove snow when it keeps snowing?
(a) Snow blower.
(b) Riding mower.
(c) Gramma's mower.
(d) Dad's weedeater.

11. What is the longest that Greg plays his game without taking a bathroom break?
(a) 14 hours.
(b) 10 hours.
(c) 8 hours.
(d) 16 hours.

12. Who won Student of the Week before Greg did?
(a) Rowley.
(b) Fregley.
(c) Pete.
(d) Alex.

13. What does Greg do with a bumper sticker he gets for being Student of the Week?
(a) Throws it away.
(b) Puts it on his desk.
(c) Puts it on his mom's car.
(d) Gives it to Manny.

14. Why does the school do a walkathon?
(a) New landscaping.
(b) Pay for a billboard near the town park.
(c) New office furniture for the principal, vice principal, and their secretaries.
(d) Get new basketball hoops.

15. What could Greg not learn to do in first grade?
(a) Skip.
(b) Hop.
(c) Hand stand.
(d) Walk the balance beam.

Short Answer Questions

1. What game is banned on the playground?

2. What letter does Rowley say that volleyball begins with?

3. What color does Greg say that the pizza is at school when he and Rowley play a game in Section 2: Pages 49-91?

4. What did Mom get Greg for Christmas the year she was pregnant with Manny?

5. What did Greg's mother give him last Christmas?

(see the answer keys)

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