Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. How does Claire look after shooting a scene?
2. Why do Massie and Alicia prank Claire's bathroom?
3. What does Conner's mother bring to the girls?
4. Who interviews Abby and Claire?
5. Who makes a toast at the wrap party for the movie?
Short Essay Questions
1. Does Alicia and Massie's behavior show their friendship to Claire?
2. How do the characters behave childishly in this section?
3. What are some possible negative consequences of the photos in the magazine?
4. What efforts does Massie make to do a successful interview?
5. How can the girls keep up with their studies when they are in LA?
6. How does Claire show her friendship to Massie and Alicia?
7. Despite her obstacles, how does Massie show ingenuity in reporting for "The Daily Grind"?
8. How does Claire fall apart after the wrap party?
9. What goes wrong during filming of "The Daily Grind" in California?
10. How does Bean move the action forward in the story?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
The two main settings for the book are Hollywood, California, and Westchester, New York.
1. Compare and contrast the settings of Hollywood and Westchester. How does the author describe these settings?
2. What does Hollywood represent in the story? What does it mean to the characters?
3. What does Westchester represent in the story? What does it mean to the characters?
Essay Topic 2
Since this series is named after cliques, cliques are clearly an important theme for each book.
1. In this novel, do cliques seem to be good or bad? Is the Pretty Committee a valuable support network, or is it a burden to its members? Does the Pretty Committee's structure help its members, or hurt them?
2. Is it better to be part of a clique, or unaffiliated? Why are the various cliques so competitive with one another? Would you consider Layne to be a member of the Pretty Committee? Why or why not?
3. How do the cliques rearrange themselves throughout the novel? Is the dynamic of the Pretty Committee the same at the end as it was at the beginning?
Essay Topic 3
Even though the girls do not attend school during the entire novel, there are 3 different schools that are featured prominently in the novel: Octavian Country Day School, Briarwood, and Lakeview Middle School (the fake school featured in the movie). Describe each of these schools and what happens there. What are the differences between them?
This section contains 1,041 words (approx. 4 pages at 300 words per page) |