Dial L for Loser: A Clique Novel Test | Final Test - Medium

Lisi Harrison
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 164 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Dial L for Loser: A Clique Novel Test | Final Test - Medium

Lisi Harrison
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 164 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who is in the elevator with Claire after the wrap party?
(a) Massie and Alicia.
(b) Todd and Cam.
(c) Rupert.
(d) The hotel maid.

2. Why do Massie and Alicia prank Claire's bathroom?
(a) Massie thinks that Claire will get fired when the director sees the bathroom.
(b) Claire destroyed the hotel bathroom.
(c) They want to make it look like Claire has embarrassing health problems.
(d) Claire was mean to Massie's dog.

3. What does a delivery man bring to Massie in LA?
(a) A certified letter.
(b) Her puppy in a cage.
(c) Takeout Chinese food.
(d) A bouquet of flowers.

4. When Massie learns that Claire has dinner plans, what does Massie ask Claire?
(a) Massie asks Claire to bring her a doggie bag.
(b) Massie asks how Claire can eat after her huge lunch.
(c) Massie wants to tag along.
(d) Massie asks what time Claire will be home.

5. What news does Conner's mom share with Massie and Alicia?
(a) Conner has never invited friends over before.
(b) The family is moving to Mexico soon.
(c) Conner is dating Abby.
(d) She is getting over her food poisoning.

Short Answer Questions

1. What are Abby and Claire doing in their magazine photo?

2. What is on Derrington's chest?

3. What picture did Massie take of Claire?

4. What does Abby tell Claire about Conner?

5. What goes wrong on "The Daily Grind"?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does Claire avoid spending time with Massie?

2. How did Conner's plans for the photographer turn out differently than he expected?

3. What efforts does Massie make to do a successful interview?

4. How does Claire show that she respects Massie's and Alicia's comfort?

5. What are some possible negative consequences of the photos in the magazine?

6. Why are Alicia and Massie laughingstocks?

7. Despite her obstacles, how does Massie show ingenuity in reporting for "The Daily Grind"?

8. How does Massie sabotage Claire's relationship with Cam?

9. How can the girls keep up with their studies when they are in LA?

10. What goes wrong during filming of "The Daily Grind" in California?

(see the answer keys)

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