Dial L for Loser: A Clique Novel Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Lisi Harrison
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 164 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Dial L for Loser: A Clique Novel Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Lisi Harrison
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 164 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How do Massie and Claire butter up their parents?
(a) They give their parents a backrub.
(b) The girls take a bath and wear conservative, clean clothing.
(c) They bring them lemonade and sandwiches.
(d) They promise to do lots of chores.

2. Why does Claire doubt herself?
(a) She does not think that she is actress material.
(b) She only brought two outfits.
(c) She has trouble remembering which hotel suite they are staying in.
(d) She has trouble speaking English.

3. What is the airplane bathroom like?
(a) All the water is dyed blue--even in the sink.
(b) It is cramped and small.
(c) The walls are two way mirrors.
(d) It is filthy.

4. Who is Calgary?
(a) Calgary is Massie's family's maid.
(b) Calgary is a host of "The Daily Grind."
(c) Calgary is another popular girl from school.
(d) Calgary is a missionary who knocks on Massie's door.

5. How do the girls get around?
(a) Isaac, Massie's family's driver, drives them in the Range Rover.
(b) The girls take the bus if they have enough money for bus fare.
(c) The girls are grounded and can't go anywhere.
(d) The girls ride their bikes around town.

6. What was Massie doing at the salon?
(a) Massie was trying to sell candy bars for a fundraiser.
(b) Massie was waiting for her mother, who works at the salon.
(c) Massie was trying to learn how to cut hair.
(d) Massie was having her hair done.

7. What is Layne doing to help the other girls?
(a) Layne is spreading rumors that Claire is secretly a princess.
(b) Layne is knitting sweaters for each girl.
(c) Layne is making cookies for her friends.
(d) Layne is staging a protest for their benefit.

8. What message does Claire send to a boy?
(a) She tells him that she is allowed to go to LA.
(b) She tells him that she is moving to Italy.
(c) She tells him to leave her little brother alone.
(d) She tells him that she has been expelled from school.

9. What does Layne's sign say?
(a) Layne's sign reads, "Save the Lyons."
(b) Layne's sign reads, "I Love NY."
(c) Layne's sign reads, "Death to Massie."
(d) Layne's sign reads, "Keep Your Pets Out Of My School!"

10. What does Dylan's mom do for a living?
(a) Dylan's mom makes cakes.
(b) Dylan's mom is an accountant.
(c) Dylan's mom hosts a live TV show.
(d) Dylan's mom does not have a job.

11. What message does a boy send to Claire?
(a) He asks if she needs a ride to church.
(b) He will miss her and he loves her.
(c) He wants the money that she borrowed from him.
(d) He thinks that she stinks.

12. What does Massie do while Claire prepares sandwiches?
(a) Massie takes a shower.
(b) Massie helps Claire with the sandwiches.
(c) Massie paints her toenails.
(d) Massie eats the sandwiches as soon as they are made, so Claire has to keep making more.

13. What pictures does Claire put into the newsletter?
(a) Claire uses photos of Massie's family's mansion.
(b) She puts a picture of each different girl.
(c) She uses three different pictures of Massie.
(d) She uses her own drawings, since she is a good artist.

14. What delays the girls leaving to go to "The Daily Grind"?
(a) Claire's little brother is hiding.
(b) Massie throws a temper tantrum.
(c) The car won't start.
(d) Claire's mother changes her mind about letting Claire go.

15. What are Massie, Claire, and Kendra doing in the Block Estate Spa?
(a) Kendra makes the girls study in the spa to keep up with their schoolwork.
(b) They are cleaning the spa.
(c) They are all sitting in the hot tub.
(d) They are kickboxing together.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where does Claire find Todd at the studio?

2. What does Conner do when he sees Claire?

3. What did Abby and Hadley's stylist say about them?

4. How does Alicia's audition go?

5. What would Claire miss about New York?

(see the answer keys)

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