Dial L for Loser: A Clique Novel Quiz | Eight Week Quiz C

Lisi Harrison
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 164 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Dial L for Loser: A Clique Novel Quiz | Eight Week Quiz C

Lisi Harrison
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 164 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy the Dial L for Loser: A Clique Novel Lesson Plans
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Beverly Hills, California Le Baccarat Hotel, Suite 2544 and Los Angeles Gelding Studios.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What object does Rupert hold up when he is on TV?
(a) A diamond ring for Massie.
(b) Massie's cell phone.
(c) An old T shirt.
(d) Claire's hat, which she left behind.

2. Why do the girls want to be dropped off at school?
(a) The girls miss all of their school friends.
(b) The school is walking distance from the girls' houses.
(c) The girls want to spy on what is going on in their absence.
(d) The girls want to say "hi" to all of their favorite teachers.

3. Where does Claire find Todd at the studio?
(a) Todd is in the Green Room.
(b) Todd is hiding under the stairs.
(c) Todd is taking a nap on the couch.
(d) Todd is hiding in a stall in the Ladies bathroom.

4. What will Kristen's parents not allow her to do?
(a) Kristen is not allowed to go to the mall.
(b) Kristen is not allowed to use any curse words, ever.
(c) Kristen is not allowed to wear bright colors.
(d) Kristen is not allowed to go to LA.

5. What are "C-notes"?
(a) The middle school girls' singing group.
(b) Middle C, high C, and low C, as well as C#.
(c) Love notes that Cam sends to Claire.
(d) Massie's notes from Chemistry class.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Rupert not want Dylan to audition?

2. Why have the girls been expelled?

3. What do Abby and Hadley do in the studio?

4. How does the receptionist at New York City Village Studios treat Massie?

5. Why did Claire's family stay in a hotel?

(see the answer key)

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