Dhalgren Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Dhalgren Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How much money does Kidd end up getting from the Richards?
(a) $20.
(b) None. He gives back the $5.
(c) $5 total.
(d) $10.

2. In the public bathroom, who does Kidd find?
(a) Eddy hiding from his parents.
(b) Pepper, a sick scorpion.
(c) Bunny, a small animal.
(d) Lanya angry with him.

3. Whose address does Lanya give Kidd?
(a) Roger Calkins.
(b) George Harrison.
(c) Lanya's.
(d) Tak.

4. Did the Richards ever have any intention of paying Kidd?
(a) Yes, but they lost their money in bad investments.
(b) No, because they have very little money.
(c) Yes, but they are devastated by Bobby's death.
(d) No, because they thought they could get him to work for nothing.

5. Has Kidd actually ever seriously thought about publishing his poems?
(a) No, they are just his way to express himself.
(b) No, because he does not think anyone would like them.
(c) Yes, but under a different name.
(d) Yes, he has been trying to sell his ideas for a while.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who is the only person in Bellona who seems to read outside news?

2. When Mr. Richards arrives home, who is still with Mrs. Richards?

3. How does the cut happen?

4. What good news does Newboy have for Kidd?

5. At Reverend Taylor's house, to whom does Kidd talk?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is odd about June Richards?

2. Who fills Kidd in on the riots that have occurred in Bellona?

3. Why does Kidd expect to be given answers concerning his identity from the woman in the cave?

4. What is odd about the people who stay in Bellona after the event?

5. Why does Kidd feel used and angry at his new work situation?

6. By whom is Kidd beaten up and why does this happen?

7. What event does Kidd hope changes Mrs Richards and forces her to see reality?

8. What does Kidd discover when he goes exploring throughout the Richards' apartment?

9. What does Lanya believe in?

10. The next day, why does Kidd take a job from Madame Brown?

(see the answer keys)

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