Devil on the Cross Test | Final Test - Easy

Ngugi wa Thiong'o
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Devil on the Cross Test | Final Test - Easy

Ngugi wa Thiong'o
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Chapter 8, what does the voice say that Kimeendeeri wa Kanyuanji is wearing as he speaks in the cave?
(a) White suit and a bow tie.
(b) Black suit and a red tie.
(c) Brown suit and a bow tie.
(d) Navy suit and a white tie.

2. In Chapter 8, where does the voice say he will take Wariinga and show her the glories of the world?
(a) Mountains.
(b) Tall buildings of Nairobi.
(c) Skyscraper.
(d) Temple.

3. In Chapter 8, how does the voice say that Kimeendeeri will export human blood?
(a) Refrigerated trucks.
(b) Packing containers.
(c) Pipeline.
(d) Barrels.

4. In Chapter 6, how many children does Mwireri wa Mukiraai say that he has?
(a) 3.
(b) 4.
(c) 2.
(d) 1.

5. In Chapter 9, who does Gatuiria say is the man who gave Wariinga the false invitation?
(a) A music student.
(b) A prelaw studeent.
(c) Leader of the students' association.
(d) Leader of the students' historical society.

6. In Chapter 9, how much might a woman with children earn a month working for the bosses?
(a) 230 shillings a month.
(b) A few hundred shillings a month.
(c) About 150 shillings a month.
(d) 80 shillings a month.

7. In Chapter 10, how much time does Wariinga have to finish her course at the Polytechnic?
(a) 2 years.
(b) 1 year.
(c) 18 months.
(d) 6 months.

8. In Chapter 9, who is the first speaker at the cave after the thieves flee?
(a) Muturi.
(b) Police.
(c) Students.
(d) Workers.

9. In Chapter 11, where are the American banks from that are established in Ilmorog?
(a) Chicago and New York.
(b) San Francisco and Los Angeles.
(c) Boston and Denver.
(d) Atlanta and Washington, D.C.

10. At the end of Chapter 9, how does Mukiraai die?
(a) Gun shot wound.
(b) Car accident.
(c) Knife wound.
(d) Strangulation.

11. At the beginning of Chapter 8, how does Wariinga feel?
(a) Tired.
(b) Nauseated.
(c) Soul sick.
(d) Headachy.

12. In Chapter 11, when is the last time that Wariinga says that she has had the dream of the Devil on the Cross?
(a) 4 days ago.
(b) The night before.
(c) A year ago.
(d) 2 weeks ago.

13. What is the second business that Mukiraai says that he set up in Chapter 6?
(a) Factory for manufacturing light bulbs.
(b) Factory for manufacturing shoes.
(c) Factory for manufacturing skin-lightning creams.
(d) Factory for manufacturing bicycles.

14. In Chapter 6, where does Mwaura say that he, Muturi and Wangari went for roast meat for lunch?
(a) Njeruca Butcher Shop.
(b) Naru's Butcher Shop.
(c) Hiiritoni.
(d) Hilton.

15. In Chapter 10, what day of the week does Wariinga get up early and pack to see her parents after work?
(a) Friday.
(b) Sunday.
(c) Saturday.
(d) Thursday.

Short Answer Questions

1. What time of day is it at the beginning of Chapter 9?

2. In Chapter 12, what composer does Gatuiria refer to when he recites a quote about music and revolution?

3. In Chapter 10, how long has it taken Gatuiria to create his composition?

4. In Chapter 7, how is Nditika described?

5. In Chapter 9 when Wariinga observes thieves waddling to their cars, what animal are they compared to?

(see the answer keys)

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