Devil in a Blue Dress Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Devil in a Blue Dress Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Most the customers at Joppy’s bar work in what profession?
(a) They are butchers.
(b) They are lawyers.
(c) They are news reporters.
(d) They are mill workers.

2. What kind of car does Easy find parked outside his house when he returns home in the beginning of Chapter 15?
(a) A brown Lincoln.
(b) A black Ford.
(c) A white Cadillac.
(d) A pink Studebaker.

3. What kind of liquor does Mr. Albright keep a bottle of on his desk?
(a) Wild Turkey.
(b) Bacardi.
(c) Smirnoff.
(d) Patron.

4. When Easy visits Mr. Albright’s office in Chapter 3, he is initially flustered by the security guard he first encounters because he is what?
(a) White.
(b) Asian.
(c) Hispanic.
(d) Black.

5. Which of the guards at Mr. Albright’s office is described as dark-skinned, like an East Indian, in Chapter 3?
(a) Ernest.
(b) Zeppo.
(c) Shariff.
(d) Manny.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the name of Mouse’s son that he mentions in his letter in Chapter 7?

2. Easy tells Junior in Chapter 4 that he was fired from Champion for what reason?

3. How much money does Mr. Albright give to Easy in Chapter 15?

4. About how old is Daphne described as being in Chapter 13?

5. Easy learns that who has been murdered when he makes it to John’s Place in Chapter 11?

Short Essay Questions

1. What conflict takes place at the Santa Monica pier in Chapter 8?

2. How are the two policemen described that Easy encounters in Chapter 10?

3. What does Easy learn about Navrochet’s murder in the flashback in Chapter 4?

4. Who is the “door person” at John’s Place? What does Easy learn from this character in Chapter 4?

5. What concerns Easy about his exchange with the police officers in Chapter 10?

6. How is DeWitt Albright’s office described in Chapter 3? What does Albright ask Easy to do for him here?

7. How are the second security guards outside of Albright’s office described in Chapter 3? What happens with Easy’s encounter with them?

8. Who does Easy meet with in Chapter 9? What happens during this meeting?

9. How does Daphne’s persona change at the end of Chapter 13? Where does she go?

10. How is Daphne Monet’s home described in Chapter 13? What is symbolic about Daphne’s interior design?

(see the answer keys)

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