Devil in a Blue Dress Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Devil in a Blue Dress Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Mason and Miller tell Easy that Matthew Teran was killed how in Chapter 22?
(a) He was stabbed.
(b) He was hung.
(c) He was run over.
(d) He was shot.

2. How does Primo awaken Easy in Chapter 28?
(a) He bangs some pans together.
(b) He turns up the radio.
(c) He slaps his cheek.
(d) He throws a bucket of water over him.

3. Who does Daphne say Matthew Teran bought the little Mexican boy from in Chapter 26?
(a) Peter.
(b) Jackson.
(c) Richard.
(d) Henry.

4. How does Frank Green almost kill Easy in Chapter 21?
(a) By choking him.
(b) By slitting his throat.
(c) By hitting him in the head.
(d) By shooting him in the chest.

5. What does Mouse say he’s going to do with his share of the money in Chapter 30?
(a) Give it to Easy.
(b) Donate it to charity.
(c) Spend it all.
(d) Give it to EttaMae.

6. What kind of whiskey does Easy say he’s looking to buy for a party in Chapter 19?
(a) Jim Beam.
(b) Old Forester.
(c) Maker’s Mark.
(d) Wild Turkey.

7. Dupree has two black eyes from what in Chapter 24?
(a) A mugging.
(b) Falling down the stairs while drunk.
(c) A bar fight.
(d) His police interrogation.

8. The Chinese diner that Daphne and Easy go to in Chapter 27 is run by a man named what?
(a) Mr. Koyoto.
(b) Mr. Kashi.
(c) Mr. Xu.
(d) Mr. Ling.

9. What does Mr. Carter offer Easy to drink when Easy finally makes it to his office in Chapter 17?
(a) Rum.
(b) Coffee.
(c) Brandy.
(d) Wine.

10. Easy tells Frank Green that he can make him how much money in Chapter 21?
(a) $1,000.
(b) $250.
(c) $500.
(d) $400.

11. What secret from her past does Daphne reveal in Chapter 27?
(a) She ran away from home.
(b) She was adopted.
(c) She killed an ex-boyfriend.
(d) She was molested by her father.

12. What does Easy carry in his pockets for protection when he goes to Joppy’s Bar in Chapter 21?
(a) Pepper spray.
(b) Brass knuckles.
(c) Lead pipes.
(d) Handguns.

13. How old was Easy when his mother died?
(a) 3.
(b) 17.
(c) 11.
(d) 8.

14. Who is listed on the business card as the personnel director of the company that Easy visits in Chapter 17?
(a) Barbara Moskowitz.
(b) Maxim Baxter.
(c) Matthew Teran.
(d) Richard McGee.

15. What is the name of the Chinese diner Daphne and Easy go to in Chapter 27?
(a) Ming’s Fling.
(b) Chow’s Chow.
(c) Joe Ho’s.
(d) Wu Blue.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Easy say is always taking place in the back of the barber shop in Chapter 19?

2. What is the little Mexican boy eating when Easy finds him in Daphne’s apartment in Chapter 30?

3. What is the name of the apartment complex where Junior Fornay lives in Chapter 23?

4. Mr. Carter tells Easy that Daphne stole how much money from him in Chapter 17?

5. Who does Easy take the Mexican boy to in Chapter 30?

(see the answer keys)

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