Devil in a Blue Dress Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Devil in a Blue Dress Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Mouse informs Easy in his letter that he’s been kicked out by his wife for cheating with a woman named what in Chapter 7?
(a) Lucinda.
(b) Rosetta.
(c) Coretta.
(d) Daphne.

2. Who is with Mr. Albright at Easy’s home when he arrives in Chapter 15?
(a) Manny and Shariff.
(b) Reese and Lenny.
(c) Darcel and Henry.
(d) Jackson and Dupree.

3. In what kind of car does Daphne leave after discovering her murdered friend in Chapter 13?
(a) A pink Studebaker.
(b) A black Lincoln.
(c) A black Ford.
(d) A white Cadillac.

4. Daphne convinces Easy to drive her to which friend’s house in Chapter 13?
(a) Richard’s.
(b) Peter’s.
(c) Lenny’s.
(d) Primo’s.

5. Easy notes that Mouse’s letter received in Chapter 7 was postmarked when?
(a) 4 days earlier.
(b) 2 months earlier.
(c) 2 days earlier.
(d) 2 weeks earlier.

6. Easy recalls in Chapter 14 that the first time his inner voice spoke to him during the war, it suggested that he kill a sniper with what?
(a) A grenade.
(b) A flame thrower.
(c) His bare hands.
(d) His bayonet.

7. Where does Easy read the letter he receives from Mouse in Chapter 7?
(a) In the basement.
(b) On the bus.
(c) In his closet.
(d) In the bathroom.

8. What is the name of the woman who charges entrance to John’s Place in Chapter 4?
(a) Lucinda.
(b) Daphne.
(c) Hattie.
(d) Coretta.

9. Easy recalls in Chapter 14 that the first time his inner voice spoke to him was when he was trapped in a barn during the war where?
(a) In Clervaux.
(b) In Naples.
(c) In Normandy.
(d) In Changsha.

10. Junior and Easy discuss which mayoral candidate who suddenly dropped from the race in Chapter 4?
(a) Benny Giacomo.
(b) Huey Barnes.
(c) Richard McGee.
(d) Matthew Teran.

11. What kind of liquor does Mr. Albright keep a bottle of on his desk?
(a) Wild Turkey.
(b) Bacardi.
(c) Patron.
(d) Smirnoff.

12. The woman who charges entrance to John’s Place tells Easy in Chapter 4 that which chauffeur was beaten to death outside the bar last week?
(a) Junior Fornay.
(b) Benny Giacomo.
(c) Howard Green.
(d) Matthew Teran.

13. Where is Junior Fornay from originally?
(a) Houston, Texas.
(b) Seattle, Washington.
(c) Chicago, Illinois.
(d) Portland, Oregon.

14. What object does Daphne take with her, saying it belongs to her friend, in Chapter 13?
(a) A hat.
(b) A suitcase.
(c) A painting.
(d) A pair of shoes.

15. When Easy took Mouse to ask his stepfather for his owed inheritance, who assists Mouse in holding up his stepfather?
(a) Clifton.
(b) Darcel.
(c) Reese.
(d) Richard.

Short Answer Questions

1. Easy learns that who has been murdered when he makes it to John’s Place in Chapter 11?

2. How does Daphne’s accent change after the discovery of her murdered friend in Chapter 13?

3. Which of the policemen punches Easy in the gut and handcuffs him when he resists accompanying them to the police station in Chapter 10?

4. How much money does a white man offer to Easy to help him get into John’s Place in Chapter 4?

5. What boy yells at the teenage girl for talking to Easy in Chapter 8?

(see the answer keys)

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