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Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.
Multiple Choice Questions
1. Where does Griffin plan to see his girlfriend?
(a) Pittsburgh.
(b) Louisville.
(c) Terre Haute.
(d) Indianopolis.
2. How does Griffin view Dan?
(a) As a mean gangster type.
(b) He likens Dan to his own father with his domineering ways and strict rules.
(c) As a wimp.
(d) As a menace to Griffin's plans.
3. About what is Bard incensed?
(a) That whoever wrote the note is willing to take on these criminals himself.
(b) That the local police seem to have adopted a wait-and-see attitude.
(c) That the local cops do not include him in their briefings.
(d) That the doughnuts are awful.
4. What do the police find in the woods?
(a) Car tracks belonging to the getaway car.
(b) Robish's body.
(c) A gun belonging to a prison guard.
(d) Mr. Patterson's body.
5. Where does Griffin tell the caller to send the money?
(a) A specified address.
(b) General delivery in Pittsburgh.
(c) To Mexico.
(d) No where, the caller is supposed to meet Griffin with the money.
6. What else is about to cause Hank to snap?
(a) The helicoptor zooming close to the house.
(b) Chuck's cruising up and down the street.
(c) The police lookout across the street.
(d) The press standing down the street.
7. What do the police share with Bard?
(a) A bulletproof vest.
(b) Their riot equipment.
(c) An anonymous letter.
(d) Coffee and doughnuts.
8. What does Bard order?
(a) Helicoptor an swat team support.
(b) A long-range sniper rifle.
(c) Four more FBI agents to the scene.
(d) An end to police patrols.
9. What does Ralphie's teacher do about Ralphie?
(a) Goes to visit the Hilliard's home.
(b) Has him write 100 times "I must write with better penmanship."
(c) Reprimands him for being tardy.
(d) Asks him if he feels alright.
10. Where is Mr. Patterson's dead body found?
(a) In a wooded area.
(b) In his trunk.
(c) In his recliner at his home.
(d) In the river.
11. How does Griffin exit his hideout?
(a) With his one hand inside his jacket.
(b) With his hands behind his back.
(c) With his hands on his hips.
(d) With his hands in the air.
12. When will the money be available?
(a) A week or so.
(b) A couple hours.
(c) It's not coming.
(d) In the morning.
13. How does Dan act when he arrives home?
(a) Rude.
(b) Drunk.
(c) Amiable.
(d) Lascivious.
14. What does Robish refuse to do?
(a) Kill Ralphie's teacher.
(b) Relinquish his gun to Griffin.
(c) Go to the store for cigarettes.
(d) Take his turn watching Ralphie in Ralphie's room.
15. What has the police department be ordered to do?
(a) Evacuate the neighborhoods.
(b) Blockade all roads leading out of town.
(c) Canvas the neighborhoods.
(d) Hand out mace and billy clubs to all the men in the town.
Short Answer Questions
1. Besides peeking into the garage, what else does Mr. Patterson do?
2. What is on Griffin's face as he exits his hideout?
3. Who calls Griffin?
4. What time is it when Act 2 opens?
5. How might the detectives find the grey getaway car?
This section contains 540 words (approx. 2 pages at 300 words per page) |
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