Desolation Island Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Desolation Island Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who does Maturin stop from going after Herapath?

2. In what direction is Leopard driven as she seeks to avoid combat?

3. What do most of the crew members think about their future?

4. What does Leopard miss within eyesight?

5. How does Leopard compare to Waakzaamheid?

Short Essay Questions

1. From what is the ship saved right after it makes safe harbor at Desolation Island?

2. Why is the Leopard outclassed by the Waakzaamheid?

3. La Fayette has a forge but Aubrey cannot in good conscience request a favor--England and America are nearly at war. Explain why Aubrey's decision to not ask for help was irresponsible to his crew and ship.

4. What decision of Aubrey's does Grant criticize?

5. What does the fact that the Waakzaamheid has found the Leopard mean as far as the Dutch captain goes?

6. How does the author attempt to make Aubrey appear?

7. What danger is the Leopard facing after the battle with the Dutch?

8. La Fayette has a forge but Aubrey cannot in good conscience request a favor--England and America are nearly at war. Likewise, Putnam, La Fayette's master, will not request favors from Aubrey. Do you think it is strange that on an island in the middle of nowhere a ship's captain wouldn't be bound by some rule of hospitality? Why or why not?

9. Why is Leopard in danger in Chapter 8 and how much danger is there?

10. While the crew works, Maturin visits a small island in the bay--it is so encumbered of strange life that Maturin christens it Paradise. Why do you think Maturin named the island Paradise considering it is near Antarctica and is probably pretty cold?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Sailors are notoriously superstitious. Even Aubrey, though very bright in many ways, is somewhat superstitious, a trait common to many sailors. Discuss the following:

1. What is superstition? Can you name a few common superstitions? Do any of them seem to have any validity in logic?

2. Why do you think sailors have the reputation for being superstitious? Do you think it is true? What superstitions are mentioned in Desolation Island?

3. What are some of the superstitions you are familiar with that sailors seem to believe? Do you believe any of them? Why or why not?

Essay Topic 2

Maturin acts as a covert agent for the Crown and succeeds in planting false intelligence with the American spy, Mrs. Wogan:

1. What sort of covert operations does Maturin undertake? How similar do you think his covert operations are to that of an organization such as the CIA of today?

2. How is Maturin's role as a covert agent play a part in Mrs. Wogan's release?

3. Do you see any conflict of interests between being a doctor and also a covert operator? Why or why not.

Essay Topic 3

Along with superstitions, the ships crew seem to find mystical meanings in various symbols. Discuss the following:

1. What are six symbols in DESOLATION ISLAND and their meanings. Are the meanings logical or based upon superstitions?

2. Discuss three metaphors in the novel and their impact on the understanding of the plot.

3. Discuss O'Brian's narrative style as it applies to his descriptions. Is his style effective? Interesting? Lively?

(see the answer keys)

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