Desolation Island Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Desolation Island Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What do Maturin and Herapath do once late into the night?
(a) Drink rum.
(b) Work in sick bay.
(c) Talk.
(d) Smoke opium.

2. What type of plant on Desolation Island does Maturin think will be good for the crew?
(a) Pomegranate trees.
(b) A type of yellowish and pungent cabbage.
(c) A type of red radish.
(d) Limes.

3. What does Maturin tell Herapath about the La Fayette?
(a) If he managed to get to the deck he would be free.
(b) Wogan will be going over to it.
(c) It will probably sail to South America.
(d) It will take him back to England.

4. What does the Gypsy woman name her daughter?
(a) Balinda.
(b) Audrey.
(c) Leopardina.
(d) Wysteria.

5. What does Aubrey develop in case they find Waakzaamheid?
(a) A type of harpon that could sink Waakzaamheid.
(b) A different configuation for the guns.
(c) A new watch bill.
(d) A new kind of explosive.

Short Answer Questions

1. How is the crew feeling when they finally come into the harbor at Desolation Island?

2. For how long does Putnam loan the forge?

3. What does Aubrey announce to the ship when he takes the deck briefly?

4. What do they have to do to Leopard before they can repair her hull?

5. What does the crew get from Peggy?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Herapath's relating his experience with opium cause Maturin to do and why?

2. What does Aubrey have done to his cabin and why?

3. Of particular interest is the technical discussion concerning scurvy and Maturin's rather ridiculous speech regarding the desirability of flatulence. Indeed, the medical practices of the time are compelling and, one leaves one wondering about their efficacy. What do you think the mortality rate for medical treatment in those times might be? Explain your answer.

4. Meanwhile, Maturin has subtly informed Herapath--an American, it will be remembered--that should he gain the deck of La Fayette he would be free to leave with her; Aubrey would not risk an incident by boarding the American whaler. Do you think Maturin letting Herapath and Wogan escape was an act of treason?

5. While the crew works, Maturin visits a small island in the bay--it is so encumbered of strange life that Maturin christens it Paradise. Why do you think Maturin named the island Paradise considering it is near Antarctica and is probably pretty cold?

6. Why is the Leopard outclassed by the Waakzaamheid?

7. Grant is finally thrust into the position of leadership he has so long desired. How do you think he felt when he was able to take over the ship's operations?

8. What danger is the Leopard facing after the battle with the Dutch?

9. Why does Aubrey decide Cape Town is not a good destination?

10. How does the author attempt to make Aubrey appear?

(see the answer keys)

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