Desolation Island Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Desolation Island Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Herapath do when he isn't helping Maturin?
(a) Writes in his journal.
(b) Studies the wildlife.
(c) Works on the ship.
(d) Spends his time with Wogan.

2. How does Herapath feel when doing what Wogan wants?
(a) Like he's going to be a father.
(b) Like he's betraying Maturin.
(c) Like he has outsmarted Maturin.
(d) Like he's a real spy.

3. What does Aubrey lament the loss of during the chase from the Dutch ship?
(a) That Grant was killed.
(b) The loss of two cannons.
(c) The loss of Larkin.
(d) That Pullings isn't there.

4. What does the crew get from Peggy?
(a) Venereal disease.
(b) Reading instruction.
(c) Entertainment from her singing.
(d) Subtle put downs.

5. Who is Peggy Barnes?
(a) Grant's wife.
(b) A woman prisoner.
(c) Wogan's spying partner.
(d) Wogan's servant.

6. What amazes Aubrey about the Dutch captain?
(a) His ability to close in on Leopard.
(b) His ability to predict Leopard's movements.
(c) His desire to destroy a ship.
(d) His ability to shoot canons on a high sea.

7. What does Herapath tell Maturin about opium?
(a) He has never tried it.
(b) He wants to see what it's like.
(c) He has smoked it often in his life.
(d) It is too addictive to use.

8. What does Aubrey try to do when Babbington calls him to the deck?
(a) Go north against the wind.
(b) Pull in near a large island.
(c) Sail away from a large ice island.
(d) Court martial Grant.

9. What does Aubrey decide to use as stern chasers?
(a) Two brass long nine pounders.
(b) Three fourteen pounders.
(c) A long canon eight pounder.
(d) A fourteen and eleven pounder brass canons.

10. What happens when Aubrey pulls the ship away from the ice?
(a) The hull is breached and it takes on water.
(b) The ship slides off and is blown north.
(c) He can't get away from the ice.
(d) Nothing.

11. What does Aubrey have his crew practicing extensively?
(a) Taking the sails up and down.
(b) Gunnery skills.
(c) Putting out fires.
(d) Turning the ship in a tight circle.

12. What does Aubrey develop in case they find Waakzaamheid?
(a) A type of harpon that could sink Waakzaamheid.
(b) A new watch bill.
(c) A different configuation for the guns.
(d) A new kind of explosive.

13. What does Aubrey have done to his cabin?
(a) It is reconfigured.
(b) It is expanded.
(c) It has new carpet laid.
(d) He doesn't do anything to his cabin.

14. Who does Maturin stop from going after Herapath?
(a) Bonden.
(b) Babbington.
(c) Pullings.
(d) Grant.

15. What ethnic background is Boswell?
(a) Gypsy.
(b) British.
(c) American.
(d) French.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is put under the kneel of the ship which finally staunches the flow of water?

2. What is the worst wound Aubrey has received?

3. What are three food resources that Desolation Island has in abundance?

4. What does Maturin decide about Wogan and Herapath?

5. What does the crew believe is causing the Dutch ship's ability to stay with Leopard?

(see the answer keys)

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