Desolation Angels Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Desolation Angels Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which of the following is NOT a mountain that Jack enjoys looking at and pondering?
(a) Mount Rose.
(b) Mount Hozomeen.
(c) Mount Jack.
(d) Mount Baker.

2. What does Charlie ask Jack to do as he is getting ready to leave Washington?
(a) Come back next season.
(b) Have a drink with him.
(c) Leave a picture of himself.
(d) Send him a postcard.

3. Why is Jack so void of emotion as he leaves his summer home?
(a) He does not believe in remorse.
(b) He has learned all he could.
(c) He misses his friends too much.
(d) He hated it there.

4. Why does Gaines have cabs drop him off a block from his house?
(a) He wants to see a movie before going home.
(b) He got confused about which house was his.
(c) That is where his cab money ran out.
(d) He does not want people to know where he lives.

5. What wakes Jack while he is staying at Cody's house?
(a) The sunrise.
(b) A passing car.
(c) Cody's children.
(d) Rain.

6. What does Cody plan to do with his racetrack winnings?
(a) Donate it.
(b) Buy a car.
(c) Take his wife on a trip.
(d) Publish a book.

7. What movement is Rose involved in?
(a) The poetry movement.
(b) The homosexual rights movement.
(c) The Buddhist movement.
(d) The free-love movement.

8. Who plays the piano at Ehrman's house?
(a) Raphael.
(b) Cody.
(c) Jack.
(d) Ehrman.

9. What is Fred's main duty?
(a) To de-brief all fire rangers.
(b) To issue hunting licenses.
(c) To monitor campfires.
(d) To work the ferry.

10. What does Jack think he looks like while living in Mexico?
(a) An advocate of the Devil.
(b) A criminal.
(c) An old man.
(d) An escaped mental patient.

11. Where does the strange car ride end for the poets?
(a) Manhattan.
(b) Washington D.C.
(c) Texas.
(d) New Jersey.

12. Where does Jack learn to roll his own cigarettes?
(a) The Army.
(b) Prison.
(c) High school.
(d) His grandfather's house.

13. To Jack, the forest service is a metaphor of what?
(a) A child with too much responsibility.
(b) Nature.
(c) Totalitarian governments.
(d) The circle of life.

14. What does the shock of lightning remind Jack of?
(a) His father.
(b) An escape.
(c) Evelyn.
(d) Writing.

15. What does Jack call the place where all humanity is born and shall return to?
(a) Celestial Kingdom.
(b) Golden Eternity.
(c) Heaven's Womb.
(d) Eternal Splendor.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Jack's aunt make for dinner every Sunday night when he is a child?

2. What does Jack do with Cody's children while he is at work?

3. What gift does Raphael give Jack that surprises him?

4. What is the name of the man who drives the ferry away from the mountain?

5. What does Jack do whenever something sad happens to him?

(see the answer keys)

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