Desert Solitaire Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Desert Solitaire Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. Abbey cancels his plans for

2. Moon-Eye's temperament was due to

3. Floating through the rapids leaves the two boaters

4. Abbey gets sidetracked to Havasu on his way to

5. The desert flowers in the month of May have

Short Essay Questions

1. If Abbey is somewhat indifferent to the death of a fellow human being, why would that be true?

2. Abbey mentions thinking the unthinkable as he drives through the desert past the Arches headquarters. To what is he referring?

3. How does Abbey feel about leaving the desert and returning to the city?

4. Do you think Edward Abbey is a fanatic? Is his fear of a future dictatorial regime unfounded?

5. What are a few good words that would describe Abbey's impression of the desert at this time of year, and at noon? Is there any other place, time, state of mind or being, to which this same set of words also applies?

6. Why was Abbey not interested in living with the Supai Havasu Indians?

7. Why do the men make jokes about the dead man?

8. Why does Edward Abbey seemingly push the limits of safety by living in isolation and putting himself in dangerous situations?

9. Do you think Abbey intended to risk his life by spending the entire day trying to entice Moon-Eye to come to him.

10. Where is the heart of the desert, according to Abbey?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

As a tourist, one might have found Abbey to be mysterious. Although he had a great sense of humor with the tourists, he is clearly shrouding feelings that they don't know about, opinions that come through in his humorous sarcasm. In the Episodes and Visions chapter, do a close reading of Abbey's conversations and private thoughts, and analyze what you feel he wished he could say to them, instead of what he did say.

Essay Topic 2

Could you, and would you, volunteer for a job through the summer in the desert, knowing the harsh conditions? Why do you think Edward Abbey deliberately, and more than once, took the Park Ranger job for the summer, which was clearly an extreme challenge? Is he a little crazy, as he notes? What does the experience provide him with, if anything?

Essay Topic 3

In the chapter entitled The Heat of Noon, Abbey makes a list of the preparations that would be necessary in order to impose a dictatorship on a country. Do a close reading of his list and in an essay, write a response to each of his entries. Was he exaggerating? Is he a radical? Are any of these conditions currently in place? Note where you agree or disagree with his opinions, and why. Where would Abbey fall in today's society politically?

(see the answer keys)

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