Desert Solitaire Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Desert Solitaire Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Abbey had no fear of drowning in the Havasupai Canyon floor's stream because
(a) It was only a mirage
(b) It was salty and made him bouyant
(c) It was only ankle deep
(d) He intended to drink it all

2. Abbey compares cultures of Indians and cowboys in that
(a) Both are reduced to providng a curiosity for tourists
(b) They continue to fight among themselves
(c) Both are thriving in the face of adversity
(d) Both originated in the old West

3. Water has not created the arches, but they are instead carved by
(a) Ice
(b) Sand
(c) Snow
(d) Wind

4. Abbey speculates that the mourning doves' call may be
(a) A mournful call to some other dimension
(b) A brooding meditation on space and solitude
(c) A wish to make contact with the wolves
(d) A warning that there is a human nearby

5. The story of Husk, Graham and Billy-Joe is obviously
(a) A fairy tale, at best
(b) An experience Abbey personally had
(c) A detailed account of a local legend
(d) Heavily embellished by Abbey

Short Answer Questions

1. Edward's new home is a simple

2. Mr. Bates complains to Edward about

3. The locals in Moab's bars do not become violent, perhaps because

4. Thunderstorms come to the high desert in

5. The government's attempt to transform Navajos to middle class Americans is called

Short Essay Questions

1. Abbey seems to jump back and forth in time in his book. Where in this chapter does that first become obvious?

2. What is Viviano Jacquez's problem?

3. Explain Abbey's reasoning that joy may support survival.

4. What does Abbey suggest should be done about the erosion of national parks?

5. How does Abbey get rid of the rattlesnakes?

6. Why does Abbey's watch seem absurd to him?

7. Abbey mentions that both men he meets are married and have children. Can we assume Abbey is neither? Why or why not?

8. Discuss Abbey's relationship with the natural world as he watches the stars.

9. Is it beneficial to the Navajos that their population is increasing?

10. Is Abbey's story of Husk and Graham a fact-checked, absolutely correct retelling?

(see the answer keys)

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