Desert Solitaire Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Desert Solitaire Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Abbey wants his readers to know that the desert is
(a) Indifferent
(b) Cruel
(c) Unchanging
(d) Vulnerable

2. The group's reactions after the man is taken away involve
(a) Relief and humor
(b) Sad silence
(c) Raucous partying
(d) An introspective meditation

3. Abbey uses a piece of hollow cane to create a
(a) Pipe for tobacco
(b) A new walking stick
(c) A digging tool
(d) Siphon for getting water

4. The desert winds of May have
(a) Dried the river to a stream
(b) Cleaned out the flowers and debris
(c) Burned the green things to saffron and auburn
(d) Brought huge thunderclouds

5. Major John Wesley Powell was the first to
(a) The military force behind Lake Powell
(b) A force in drowing Glen Canyon
(c) The government's advocate for the Hoover Dam
(d) Explore the Colorado River and its environment

6. Mackie would rather be rich than work for Scobie. If he were, he would
(a) Hire someone like himself
(b) Live back in Moab
(c) Buy Scobie out
(d) Buy his own cows

7. Why does the sign instructing skiers to ski in a clockwise direction irk Edward Abbey?
(a) He feels people should ski in both directions
(b) It is one more indication of freedom lost to government control
(c) It is industrial tourism at its finest
(d) He wishes people would ski only on the snow

8. The character Mackie is
(a) A Mormon from Utah
(b) A temporary replacement for Viviano
(c) A friend of the rangers'
(d) An old friend of Abbey's

9. The heat of the desert makes objects appear
(a) As if they are blurred and on fire
(b) As if they are invisible
(c) As if they are moving
(d) As if they are covered in water

10. Abbey likes the word, "Tukuhnikivats," which means
(a) Where the Arches watch
(b) Queen of the LaSals
(c) Home of the Utes
(d) Where the sun lingers

11. As a true patriot, Abbey encourages Waterman to
(a) Find himself
(b) Hide from the draft
(c) Fight in the war proudly
(d) Go back to his real life

12. Unlike Thoreau, Abbey's intention is to
(a) Make the best of two worlds
(b) Spend six months in the desert
(c) Be a megalomaniac
(d) Spend time in the bars

13. Abbey is convinced that horses are
(a) Meant to be subdued
(b) Pack animals
(c) Gregarious beings
(d) Meant to be broken

14. Abbey's reference to the beavers building another dam is really about
(a) The beavers that were imported into the park
(b) The busy park rangers
(c) The tourists who have jammed up the river
(d) The federal government's new reservoir

15. The meaning of Abbey's words, "claritas, integritas, veritas" can be found in this quote:
(a) I am confront, immediately and directly if it's possible, the bare bones of existence
(b) Paradox and bedrock.
(c) To meet God or Medusa face to face, even if it means risking everything human in myself
(d) ...the desert reveals itself nakedly and cruelly, with no meaning but its own existnece

Short Answer Questions

1. Abbey's concerns about preserving wilderness in this chapter are connected with

2. With Waterman, Abbey experiences his first attempt at

3. In the middle of the day on the desert, most of the birds

4. In late summer the quietness, or somnolence of the desert leaves Abbey feeling

5. Separating from other human beings feels to Abbey like

(see the answer keys)

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