Objects & Places from Desert Exile: The Uprooting of a Japanese American Family

Yoshiko Uchida
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 107 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Objects & Places from Desert Exile: The Uprooting of a Japanese American Family

Yoshiko Uchida
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 107 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy the Desert Exile: The Uprooting of a Japanese American Family Lesson Plans

The United States of America

This was a warm and welcoming environment for many Japanese until World War II.

San Francisco, California

This was where the Uchidas lived until they were evacuated.

The House Above Grove Street

This was Yoshiko’s name for a place she lived.

Oakland Congregational Church

This place was important to the Uchidas because of their faith.


This was where Yoshiko attended school in San Francisco.


This was the first internment camp the Uchidas were placed in.


This was the second, more permanent, internment camp where the Uchidas were placed.


These were items belonginf to the Uchidas’ and for which they were never fully compensated after the war.


This book was important to the Uchidas’ because of their Christian beliefs.

Horse Stall

This was where the Uchidas were placed ot live at one of the concentration camps.

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