Democracy in America Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Democracy in America Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. According to de Tocqueville, Americans seek ______________, but only within a narrow range.
(a) Privilege.
(b) Success.
(c) Fortune.
(d) Rights.

2. The tendency of people to implement equality first in the hope that freedom will follow is a what?
(a) Political reflex.
(b) Political ideal.
(c) Political truism.
(d) Political ideology.

3. Because of equality, Americans share similar education and what?
(a) Initial abilities.
(b) Initial conditions.
(c) Initial wealth.
(d) Initial strength.

4. Civil associations are often born out of what?
(a) National political associations.
(b) Local political associations.
(c) State-level political associations.
(d) Multi-state political associations.

5. De Tocqueville believes that there is unlikely to be a ______________ in the United States.
(a) Great moral revolution.
(b) Great economic revolution.
(c) Great political revolution.
(d) Great social revolution.

Short Answer Questions

1. The relationship of the American aristocrat and workman is likened to a traditional aristocrat and what, according to de Tocqueville?

2. In America, all siblings are what?

3. In America, what did people have before they had equality of conditions?

4. According to de Tocqueville, too much emphasis on equality leads to what?

5. What does de Tocqueville believe plays an important role in the process of protecting the freedom of men by increasing their interdependence?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is at least one difference between the family in a democratic society and in an aristocratic society?

2. in de Tocqueville's observations, how are the masters and workmen connected in America?

3. As men seeking equality become more alike, what is one possibility for a type of tyrannical regime in a democratic society, according to de Tocqueville?

4. What do rising wages for workers mean?

5. According to de Tocqueville, what political instinct have the American people developed that will counter their natural tendency towards equality?

6. According to de Tocqueville, within their own country, how do Americans tend to behave toward each other?

7. According to de Tocqueville, in a democratic society, what seems like endless variations of the same and monotonous reality?

8. According to de Tocqueville, what do citizens of the United States think would replace democracy if democracy failed in America?

9. What is one reason that democracies do not value equality and liberty equally?

10. What is at least one thing that led America to develop industry instead of agriculture?

(see the answer keys)

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