Democracy in America Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Democracy in America Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. According to de Tocqueville, what drives the actions of every American man?
(a) Rights.
(b) Money.
(c) Women.
(d) Privilege.

2. Civil associations are often born out of what?
(a) Multi-state political associations.
(b) Local political associations.
(c) State-level political associations.
(d) National political associations.

3. What does de Tocqueville say American workers constantly struggle with their masters for?
(a) Better job transferability.
(b) More skill training.
(c) More freedom.
(d) Higher wages.

4. Because of equality, Americans share similar education and what?
(a) Initial wealth.
(b) Initial conditions.
(c) Initial strength.
(d) Initial abilities.

5. Despite the huge lands, what remained a minor enterprise when de Tocqueville was observing America?
(a) Shipping.
(b) Rail.
(c) Animal husbandry.
(d) Agriculture.

6. Workmen, in America, can be replaced how?
(a) At will.
(b) With difficulty.
(c) In extreme circumstances.
(d) Not at all.

7. Decentralization of the governmental administration has multiplied what?
(a) Newspapers.
(b) Opinions.
(c) Journalists.
(d) Political associations.

8. Democracy counters individualism by insuring that common good is understood as what?
(a) Profiting everyone who depends on each other.
(b) Profiting everyone in the community.
(c) Profiting everyone who participates in the process.
(d) Profiting everyone who behaves as if he or she is free.

9. When compared to women in a traditional aristocratic regime, de Tocqueville says American women are more _________.
(a) Ignorant.
(b) Subservient.
(c) Dismissive.
(d) Independent.

10. Compared to aristocratic countries, there is a tendency to do what to workers' wages in democratic countries?
(a) Lower them.
(b) Raise them.
(c) Tie them to experience.
(d) Tie them to skills.

11. Political associations combat what?
(a) Tyranny.
(b) Interest groups.
(c) The majority.
(d) Individualism.

12. Equality of conditions means there are no a priori what in America?
(a) Ideas.
(b) Prejudices.
(c) Points of view.
(d) Influences.

13. What does de Tocqueville believe plays an important role in the process of protecting the freedom of men by increasing their interdependence?
(a) Education.
(b) Freedom.
(c) Religion.
(d) Society.

14. According to de Tocqueville, when men seek more equality and comfort, what do they tend to become?
(a) More tyrannical.
(b) More alike.
(c) More despotic.
(d) More different.

15. Democracy influences the citizens' political views and what other types of views?
(a) Religious.
(b) Industrial.
(c) Social.
(d) Moral.

Short Answer Questions

1. De Tocqueville believes wars will become rarer as _______ expands.

2. In a traditional aristocracy, de Tocqueville believes that the aristocrat was linked to their underlings by what?

3. What acts as a catalyst for the opinions and desires of the people?

4. What type of regime does de Tocqueville believe is more oppressive than a dictatorship?

5. For whom is de Tocqueville writing this book?

(see the answer keys)

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