Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. What is Ed most proud of about his business?
2. What are the approximate ages of the four men who are discussing the canoe trip?
3. At lunch, discussing the canoe trip, why does the trip organizer suggest the men take the trip now?
4. What does Ed think about the Kitt's model when he first sees her?
5. On the first day of the canoe trip, for what does Lewis tell Ed he wants to be ready?
Short Essay Questions
1. Why does Ed react badly when he goes to the hospital to talk to Lewis and sees patrol cars out front?
2. After killing the attacker, how does Ed feel when he realizes that Bobby, true to form, hasn't done as he'd promised and taken Lewis to safety at first light?
3. While resting during his climb up the cliff, what does Ed think about the view?
4. On the second day of the canoe trip, why does Lewis rearrange the gear to lighten Ed and Bobby's load?
5. Why does Lewis share a canoe with Bobby when the men first enter the water?
6. At the luncheon, of what does Lewis' mention of his bow make Bobby think?
7. What problem does Drew Ballinger's son have?
8. How do the police in Aintry verify the truth of the stories of the men?
9. On the morning of the second day of the canoe trip, why does Ed miss the buck both times he shoots at him?
10. After finding the body of the man he shot and realizing he might have shot the wrong man, how does Ed feel?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
Discuss the importance of the sheriff to the story. How does he differ from the rural Southerners the main characters met during their canoe trip? What about his actions and conversations point out those differences? How does the author use him to symbolize a type of Southerner that is neither the typical suburbanite represented by the main characters nor the rural Southerners who attacked them. Cite other examples of Southerners met briefly on the canoe trip who may fit this third character type.
Essay Topic 2
The story the men tell the authorities later is crucial to their not being arrested. Describe the story they originally came up with to explain Drew's disappearance and why they decide that story needs changing. Tell what happens that necessitates their changing that story and how this adds to conflict in the novel. What does Ed do after he realizes the story won't hold up? When Ed goes home, does he believe the truth will remain buried forever? Explain your answer.
Essay Topic 3
During the trip, Bobby Trippe experienced a terrible traumatic event. Discuss how this may have changed him both during the rest of the canoe trip and afterward. What kind of man was he before the trip? Do you think he is basically the same man after the trip as before? Explain your answer? How long do you think the trauma will remain a part of his personality? Why do you think this?
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