Deliverance Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 169 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Deliverance Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 169 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why doesn't Lewis kill the man as soon as he and Drew arrive where Bobby and Ed are being held at gunpoint?
(a) He had to wait until the gun wasn't pointed at Bobby or Ed.
(b) He waited for the perfect shot.
(c) He had to return to the canoe for his bow and arrows.
(d) It took time to string a bow quietly.

2. For what kind of help does Ed ask?
(a) Someone who knows first aid to help Lewis.
(b) A phone, so he can call for help.
(c) A stretcher for Lewis.
(d) An ambulance and the Highway Patrol.

3. What do the two locals with a gun tell Bobby and Ed about the river?
(a) They tell them the trip was a mistake.
(b) They tell them the river is home to dangerous snakes.
(c) They tell them there are steep falls ahead.
(d) They tell them the river doesn't go to Aintry.

4. What does Lewis want to do with the body of the man he killed?
(a) Bury it where no one will ever find it.
(b) Sink it in the river and weight it with rocks.
(c) Take it to the authorities and say they found it in the woods.
(d) Leave it as a warning for the other man.

5. After the three men are out of the river, after their canoes overturned, what does Lewis tell the others?
(a) That the second attacker is behind them on the river.
(b) That the canoes are still useable.
(c) That Drew was shot and is dead.
(d) That he will get them out of this somehow.

Short Answer Questions

1. What ruins the perfect shot Ed has at the shooter at the top of the cliff?

2. What does Ed believe the unknown shooter's next move will be?

3. What does the man who hurt Bobby do after he is shot?

4. What does one of the locals who accosted Bobby and Ed with a gun do to Bobby?

5. What conclusion do the men come to after examining Drew's body?

(see the answer keys)

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