Deliverance Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 169 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Deliverance Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 169 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What memory does the sight of a red-and-white drive-in reawaken in Ed as he and Lewis drive past it?
(a) A time when Lewis criticized the food.
(b) Having lunch with his co-workers.
(c) Stopping there with Dean after a baseball game.
(d) A Christmas party where he drank too much.

2. When does Lewis say the men should meet for their canoe trip?
(a) Early Friday morning.
(b) Late Thursday so they can get to Oree before dark.
(c) Saturday around noon.
(d) He'll call them when the time is arranged.

3. Which of the following sports is the only one Lewis did not learn?
(a) Golf.
(b) Archery.
(c) Weightlifting.
(d) Spelunking.

4. At lunch, discussing the canoe trip, why does the trip organizer suggest the men take the trip now?
(a) Ed's business schedule will only allow it this week.
(b) The river is going to be dammed, and the area will flood.
(c) The water level will be too low later.
(d) It will soon be winter and too cold.

5. To what businesses does the graphics studio mostly cater ?
(a) The local chamber of commerce.
(b) Small local accounts.
(c) Local artists wishing for more exposure.
(d) Contract work for Chicago and New York agencies.

Short Answer Questions

1. in the Before section, why doesn't Ed worry about being late for work?

2. What one thing do all three men invited for the canoe trip share?

3. What does Ed think about the Kitt's model when he first sees her?

4. What one good thing had Holley done that remains at the graphics business?

5. Which of the four men on the canoe trip is a straightforward quiet fellow?

Short Essay Questions

1. On the second day of the trip, how is Ed swift enough to reach the shotgun first when the man holding it is shot?

2. On the morning of the second day of the canoe trip, why does Ed miss the buck both times he shoots at him?

3. Describe the mood that comes over Ed when he returns to his office and is alone with his thoughts.

4. While climbing the cliff after their attacker, how does Ed develop the necessary skills to overcome his lack of climbing ability?

5. Why does Lewis say the Griner brothers won't just take the money and not deliver the cars to Aintry?

6. From where does Ed think the model in the photo shoot is?

7. Why is the sheriff in Aintry more sympathetic to the men than his deputy is?

8. From where does Bobby Trippe come?

9. How does Ed feel upon learning that Drew was shot?

10. After the rape and the disposal of the body, how does Ed feel when he hears the worst whitewater of the trip ahead of them?

(see the answer keys)

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