Deliverance Test | Final Test - Easy

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Deliverance Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 169 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When the doctor wants Ed to stay overnight at the hospital, what does Ed do?
(a) He goes to see Lewis and make sure he's going to live.
(b) He leaves and finds a bar where he gets drunk.
(c) He finds Bobby to make sure their stories match.
(d) He leaves the hospital, picks up the cars, and calls his wife.

2. After falling in the river on the second day of the trip, how does Ed get through the whitewater?
(a) He grabs one end of the canoe.
(b) He body-surfs and floats.
(c) He gets through by luck alone.
(d) He grabs a tree limb and holds on to it.

3. What does Ed tell Bobby they must do about the man trying to kill them?
(a) Stay with Lewis and wait for help to arrive.
(b) Take their chances with the shooter on the river the next day.
(c) Kill the man who's trying to kill them.
(d) Take the canoe through the gorge under cover of darkness.

4. What does Ed do first after reaching the top of the cliff?
(a) He looks back down at the river.
(b) He checks his equipment.
(c) He closes his eyes and rests a moment.
(d) He looks around to see if the killer is nearby.

5. How does Lewis react to having killed a man?
(a) He examines the man and kicks his dead body.
(b) He shuts himself away from the others.
(c) It doesn't seem to bother him.
(d) He loses his breakfast.

6. In the September 16th section, how does Ed discover the location of the shooter who has disappeared?
(a) He hears the shooter crashing through the forest.
(b) He looks over the cliff and sees the shooter's body.
(c) He follows the shooter's blood trail.
(d) He remains hiding until the shooter reappears.

7. In the September 15 section, in the river after their swim, why do Bobby and Ed get ahead of the others?
(a) Bobby hates the trip and won't stop to enjoy the scenery.
(b) Lewis and Drew's canoe is heavy, and they must go carefully.
(c) Lewis and Drew were slower getting started.
(d) Lewis and Drew are hanging back in case Ed needs help.

8. What do Bobby and Ed do with the shooter's body?
(a) They scoop sand from the beach and cover it.
(b) They sink it in the river, weighted down with rocks.
(c) They bury it beside a small stream among deep brush.
(d) They leave it on the beach for rising water to take.

9. What does Ed notice about Lewis when they stop for a swim?
(a) Lewis seems sick.
(b) His magnificant physique.
(c) A small scar on his back that Ed has never seen before.
(d) Lewis is worried and trying to hide it.

10. How do the men cool down when they stop for a while during their second day on the river?
(a) They take a rest on the bank and drink beer.
(b) They rest and let the current do the work.
(c) They spray water on each other with the canoe paddles.
(d) They go for a swim in the river.

11. How do Bobby and Lewis get their canoe through the rapids that overturned Ed's canoe?
(a) Lewis keeps the canoe away from the rocks.
(b) They don't; they end up in the water like Ed and Drew.
(c) Bobby and Lewis use their paddles like outriggers.
(d) They go into the water and hold onto the canoe.

12. What does Lewis say when Ed returns to camp and tells him he missed a buck?
(a) He says it's too bad; he should have got them some meat.
(b) He suggests Ed "psyched out."
(c) He tells Ed he'll get another chance.
(d) He says he can't believe his friend missed a close shot.

13. Where does Ed finally seek help when their canoe reaches civilization?
(a) At the bridge, he stops the first car that comes along.
(b) From a farmer walking along the river's edge.
(c) In the first town they reach.
(d) In a nearby house after stopping at a bridge.

14. In the September 16 section, after disposing of the shooter's body, what do the men find as they continue on down the river?
(a) The rifle the shooter used stuck on a rock.
(b) Some of their equipment.
(c) The second canoe.
(d) Drew's body.

15. What causes the wound in Ed's side after he shoots the man trying to kill him?
(a) A rock from his climb that he hasn't noticed until now.
(b) One of his own arrows.
(c) The shooter's shot grazes him.
(d) A tree branch pierces his side as he falls to the ground.

Short Answer Questions

1. On the second day of the trip, what does Ed do while Bobby cares for Lewis after Ed drags his friend out of the river?

2. Which man shoots first when the shooter at the top of the cliff sees Ed preparing to shoot him?

3. What does Ed do when the ambulance arrives for Lewis?

4. What guides Ed's choice of location from which to shoot their attacker?

5. What new complication turns one member of the group into a liability after both canoes overturn?

(see the answer keys)

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