Delicious Foods Test | Final Test - Medium

James Hannaham
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Delicious Foods Test | Final Test - Medium

James Hannaham
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What overseer does Sextus describe as "batshit psycho crazy" in Chapter 18: "How"?
(a) TT.
(b) Jed.
(c) How.
(d) Hammer.

2. Whose fingers are shot off when Darlene attacks Sextus in Chapter 24: “Scotty is Surprised”?
(a) TT's.
(b) Darlene's.
(c) Sextus's.
(d) Hammer's.

3. Darlene is accused of staying at Delicious for what two reasons in Chapter 26: "Chronicle"?
(a) Money and love.
(b) Crack and Sextus.
(c) Greed and money.
(d) Desperation and neglect.

4. What does Eddie tell Sexton the biggest thing he has ever fixed is when Sexton meets him at the barn in Chapter 16: "Summerton"?
(a) A roof.
(b) A TV.
(c) A car.
(d) A tractor.

5. Who does How bring with him when he returns to the barn where he ahd left Darlene and Eddie in Chapter 20: “Doing Nothing”?
(a) Gaspard Fusilier.
(b) Sextus.
(c) Kippy.
(d) Sirius.

Short Answer Questions

1. For what fanzine does Javis work when he begins interviewing Sirius?

2. How much money does six ounces of generic sunblock cost at the depot, according to the narrator in Chapter 17: "Your Punishment"?

3. What is the name of Sextus's ill wife in the novel?

4. How old is How when the head gang member takes him under his wing?

5. Where do Elmunda and Jed move when Sextus begins his prison sentence?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does the narrator describe Eddie's later thoughts on losing his hands in Chapter 22: “We Could Get You Free”?

2. How does Darlene prepare for her first visit to the estate in Chapter 16: “Summerton”?

3. What does Tuck discover when he comes to find Eddie in Chapter 21: “The Plan”?

4. What is significant about the narrative style in Chapter 28: “Almost Home”?

5. What leads to the conflict with Sextus and How in the end of Chapter 23: “Gators”?

6. When and where does Chapter 26: “Chronicle” take place?

7. What inner conflicts does Eddie face regarding potential advancement in the company in Chapter 18: “How”?

8. How is the relationship between Darlene and Sextus described in Chapter 16: “Summerton"?

9. How is Darlene's arrival in the courtroom described in Chapter 27: “Trials”?

10. What is revealed of Sirius's life after his escape from Delicious in Chapter 21: “The Plan”?

(see the answer keys)

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