Delicious Foods Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

James Hannaham
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Delicious Foods Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

James Hannaham
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In what Houston neighborhood does Eddie live with his mother when she goes missing in Chapter 6: "Your Own Cord"?
(a) The Sixth Ward.
(b) The Third Ward.
(c) The Ninth Ward.
(d) The Fifth Ward.

2. Who hands out the workers' pay in Chapter 9: “An Improvement”?
(a) How.
(b) Bethella.
(c) Sirius.
(d) Hammer.

3. Where does the neighbor tell Eddie that aunt Bethella lives now in the Prologue: "Little Muddy"?
(a) Shreveport.
(b) St. Cloud.
(c) Houston.
(d) New York.

4. Whose number does Darlene give to Sirius when he flees the farm in Chapter 9: “An Improvement”?
(a) Hammer's.
(b) Mrs. Vernon's.
(c) Gaspard's.
(d) Nacho's.

5. What is the star called that is a diamond, according to Sirius in Chapter 9: “An Improvement”?
(a) BPM 37093.
(b) BPM 16542.
(c) BPM 1010.
(d) BPM 29645.

Short Answer Questions

1. When does Eddie and Darlene's landlord remind Eddie that his mom is two months behind on rent in Chapter 6: "Your Own Cord"?

2. How old is Eddie when he awoke to find that his father has not come home in Chapter 5: “Show Us the Planets”?

3. What children's game do the workers enjoy playing with Eddie at the farm in Chapter 14: "Lost Years"?

4. What is the name of the beauty salon where Eddie finds information on how to find his aunt Bethella in the Prologue: "Little Muddy"?

5. How old is the woman who is the drunk driver that hits and injures Tuck?

Short Essay Questions

1. What foreshadowing is related in Chapter 11: “Eclipse”?

2. How are the workers' wages at Delicious described in Chapter 9: “An Improvement”?

3. What is revealed about Tuck's past in Chapter 12: “Obeah Juju”?

4. What led to Darlene's teeth being knocked out in Chapter 1: “Braindancing”?

5. How does Eddie manage to track down Bethella in the Prologue: "Little Muddy"?

6. What led Darlene and Nat to transfer to a different college?

7. Why did Nat and Darlene move to Ovis? How is this setting described?

8. How does Sparkplug describe Nat's murder to Eddie before he dies?

9. Where do Eddie and Tuck meet Jackie and how is this encounter described in Chapter 10: “Drunken Bum Knows”?

10. From what narrative perspective is the Prologue: "Little Muddy" related?

(see the answer keys)

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