Delicious Foods Test | Final Test - Easy

James Hannaham
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Delicious Foods Test | Final Test - Easy

James Hannaham
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Darlene obtain Bethella's phone number?
(a) From Mrs. Henderson.
(b) From Bethella's old pastor.
(c) From Bethella's old postman.
(d) From Bethella's ex-husband.

2. What does Darlene say happened to Michelle when she calls Eddie in Chapter 25: “Summerton Revisited”?
(a) She was picked up hitchhiking.
(b) No one knows.
(c) She was shot.
(d) She was eaten by gators.

3. How old has Sextus's son just turned when Sextus begins having Eddie come and watch him?
(a) Two.
(b) Six.
(c) Four.
(d) Twelve.

4. Who initially begins screaming over the news broadcast in Chapter 26: "Chronicle"?
(a) Michelle.
(b) April.
(c) Elmunda.
(d) Hazel.

5. Who fires the first warning shot into the air in Chapter 23: “Gators”?
(a) Sextus.
(b) How.
(c) Michelle.
(d) Jackie.

6. Who sings the original version of "I Believe I'll Dust My Broom" that Tuck sings in Chapter 16: "Summerton"?
(a) Mad Dog Walker.
(b) Robert Johnson.
(c) B.B. King.
(d) Gaspard Fusilier.

7. Who is Eddie's wife that met Darlene in Chapter 27: "Trials"?
(a) Edna.
(b) April.
(c) Ruth.
(d) Marie.

8. By what nickname does Sextus begin calling Eddie in Chapter 16: "Summerton"?
(a) "Junior."
(b) "TT."
(c) "Kippy."
(d) "Sixteen."

9. Who suspects Jarvis of working for the Fusiliers as they make their escape in Chapter 23: “Gators”?
(a) TT.
(b) Hammer.
(c) Sirius.
(d) Michelle.

10. How much money does six ounces of generic sunblock cost at the depot, according to the narrator in Chapter 17: "Your Punishment"?
(a) $12.99.
(b) $4.99.
(c) $6.99.
(d) $10.99.

11. What do the overseers do after catching Michelle trying to escape in Chapter 15: “Inertia”?
(a) They cover the window with boards.
(b) They put bars over the window.
(c) They cover the window in cement.
(d) They shoot Michelle.

12. Who are the anchorpeople described that host the morning news in Chapter 26: "Chronicle"?
(a) Walter Nivens and Sam Waters.
(b) Jim Pommeroy and Gigi Risi.
(c) Gerald Kimble and Sissy Ross.
(d) Andy Rickson and Michelle Hayes.

13. What does Eddie tell Sexton the biggest thing he has ever fixed is when Sexton meets him at the barn in Chapter 16: "Summerton"?
(a) A tractor.
(b) A car.
(c) A roof.
(d) A TV.

14. When does Darlene move to start a detox program, according to the narrator in Chapter 28: "Almost Home"?
(a) Two months after the trial.
(b) Four months after the trial.
(c) One month after the trial.
(d) Two years after the trial.

15. What does Darlene throw at Jed when he comes into the room in Chapter 26: "Chronicle"?
(a) A plastic bottle.
(b) A soup can.
(c) A newspaper.
(d) A porcelain vase.

Short Answer Questions

1. What kind of car do Eddie and his fellow escapees reach to leave Delicious Foods in Chapter 23: “Gators”?

2. What does How give to Eddie to put on his mother's wounds in Chapter 20: “Doing Nothing”?

3. What kind of computer does Sextus have Eddie come to work on in Chapter 16: "Summerton"?

4. Who does Jarvis encounter and distract at the depot in Chapter 21: “The Plan”?

5. What sentence does Sextus receive at the end of his trial?

(see the answer keys)

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