A Delicate Balance: A Play Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 102 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Delicate Balance: A Play Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 102 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who does Tobias plead with for counseling on the situation?
(a) His priest
(b) Agnes
(c) Doug
(d) His psychiatrist

2. When did Agnes and Tobias retreat to separate bedrooms?
(a) After Julia was born
(b) On their 25th anniversary
(c) After the death of their son
(d) When Julia left for college

3. According to Agnes, daylight brings sanity and ___________ once more.
(a) peace
(b) pleasure
(c) possibility
(d) order

4. What do the women in the household tell Tobias about the way he handled the situation?
(a) He failed miserably.
(b) He is a hero to them.
(c) He did the best he could.
(d) He was masterful.

5. How do Tobias and Agnes feel about Harry and Edna?
(a) Angry
(b) About the same
(c) No feelings
(d) Sad

6. What role does Julia say Agnes and Tobias have taken on?
(a) Priests
(b) Sex counselors
(c) Drill sergeants
(d) Professors

7. What do Julia and Edna fight about?
(a) Religion
(b) Politics
(c) Guest status in the house
(d) Alternative lifestyles

8. What was Tobias's view on having another child after the death of their son?
(a) He could take it or leave it.
(b) He wanted it very much.
(c) He had no opinion either way.
(d) He refused.

9. How can Julia's mood be characterized this evening?
(a) Sullen
(b) Shy
(c) Petulant
(d) Jealous

10. What do Julia and Edna both want?
(a) Antique vase
(b) Harry
(c) Chocolate
(d) Julia's bedroom

11. Who does Agnes find in the living room?
(a) Edna
(b) Julia
(c) Claire
(d) Tobias

12. When does Agnes prefer to deal with Julia's distress?
(a) Immediately
(b) After she has a drink
(c) Never
(d) Later

13. Julia says it was the ________________ dinner she has ever experienced.
(a) best
(b) most elaborate
(c) finest
(d) ugliest

14. What does Julia bring into the living room?
(a) Flowers
(b) Cocktails
(c) Hors d'oeuvres
(d) Pistol

15. Who does Edna say has first rights to the bedroom?
(a) Harry and Edna
(b) Julia
(c) Patrice
(d) Claire

Short Answer Questions

1. Agnes believes that it is a man's responsibility to determine the moral route of a marriage and the woman _________________________.

2. Each time Julia has a trauma, Agnes _____________________.

3. Agnes is happy to be a _________________ if it will keep her family together.

4. What announcement does Edna make?

5. According to Agnes, why do people sleep?

(see the answer keys)

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