A Delicate Balance: A Play Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 102 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Delicate Balance: A Play Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 102 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who arrives at Agnes and Tobias's house unexpectedly?
(a) James and Betsy
(b) Edna and Harry
(c) Sylvia
(d) Julia

2. Who is Julia's estranged husband?
(a) Dylan
(b) Don
(c) Doug
(d) Dan

3. What are Harry and Edna wearing when they emerge from the bedroom?
(a) Swimsuits
(b) Coats
(c) Nothing
(d) Robes

4. Where are Harry and Edna going?
(a) Movies
(b) Home
(c) Hospital
(d) Church

5. What does Julia consider Tobias to be now?
(a) Inessential
(b) Inspirational
(c) Heroic
(d) Nuisance

6. What about Harry and Edna baffles Julia in Act 2, Scene 1?
(a) Their sudden arrival
(b) Their clothing
(c) Their car
(d) Their home

7. Where do Edna and Harry spend the night?
(a) The guest cottage
(b) A Holiday Inn
(c) A neighbor's house
(d) Julia's room

8. How old is Agnes?
(a) Late 40s
(b) 30 something
(c) Late 50s
(d) 20 ish

9. Who is questioning Agnes as Act 2, Scene 1 opens?
(a) Julia
(b) Tobias
(c) Edna
(d) Doug

10. Why is Julia returning home?
(a) To take care of Agnes and Tobias.
(b) She is ill.
(c) Her marriage is breaking up.
(d) She is on vacation.

11. What does Tobias tell Julia she can no longer do?
(a) show up at the house in a bad emotional state
(b) spend so much money
(c) have an affair
(d) have an affair

12. Why does Agnes ask Tobias to speak to Julia and her husband?
(a) To invite them for dinner.
(b) To tell them not to come.
(c) To give them investment advice.
(d) To see if the marriage can be saved.

13. Julia thinks that Tobias's attempts to talk to Doug would be ______________.
(a) pointless
(b) helpful
(c) an intrusion
(d) appreciated

14. Who begins to pick little fights?
(a) Julia
(b) Agnes
(c) Tobias
(d) Edna

15. Which character seems to be the only steady person in the house?
(a) Julia
(b) Harry
(c) Tobias
(d) Agnes

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Tobias's response to what Agnes says about "when it will begin"?

2. According to Agnes, it is ruined love and _____________________ that make her lash out at Claire.

3. Claire wonders aloud about _______________________.

4. Who is Agnes and Tobias's daughter?

5. What does Tobias give Julia?

(see the answer keys)

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